Separate TDA for Nubra

This has reference to the news item ‘Create separate TDA for Nubra’ DE Mar 10.
Nubra in Ladakh region is one of the pictureseque places in the State. Endowed with natural beauty, the region has not attracted the attention of the successive Governments with the result, it has not developed as a world known tourist spot. The region does not have required communication, road network and necessary tourism infrastructure. It is a just a remote spot on earth, languishing in poverty and backwardness. There are no employment generating avenues for the youth of the area. A sustainable tourism industry could have to a great extent redressed this problem. As the region is not in limelight, it is being ignored continuously.
The creation of separate Tourism Development Authority for Nubra sub division can to a great extent help in flourishing tourism industry in the State.
The letter written by the MLA Nubra should be taken cognizance of by the authorities concerned on priority basis.
The idea of creating separate TDA for Nubra is quite plausible, and should be given a practical shape. It should not just remain confined to the files of the babudom.
Yours etc….
Stanzin Dorjay