Sethi asks people to be vigilant against disturbing trends

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Mar 12: State Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) has called upon people to be vigilant on the new disturbing trends in the country where anti national elements espousing cause of forces inimical to the national interest is being given prominence in media and social network .
In a press release  Sunil Sethi Chief Spokesperson BJP said that the nation is passing through difficult times and threat to nation is more from inside than outside . From threat across border our forces are sufficiently prepared and capable to defeat the design and borders are secured but inside threat has to be thwarted by whole society.
He further said that leaving the issue only on Government and police and para military forces will not be enough. Every citizen has to play his important role to  defeat the designs of forces inimical to nation for different reasons and unless the whole nation stand together the situation can’t be controlled .
Sunil Sethi further called upon all political parties across different thinking and ideologies to come together on common platform to serve nation and not give direct or indirect support the thinking which is against he national interest and which is aimed to bring to disrepute the nation and national institutes. There should be no politics when Motherland is under internal threat and is calling all its children to be together.
He further said that events are unfolding very fast in recent past and timely reaction and control is the need of the hour. This is time when all should stand firmly behind Prime Minister in his resolve to make India strong and unite nation. He underlined that there are different religions and regions and culture in the country and thread of nationalism and patriotism is the joining and binding factor which is keeping nation united and all efforts should be made to keep this thread strong.