Awards instituted to recognize parents of girl children

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Mar 19: District Task Force of Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao of Jammu district met today under the chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner, Jammu, Simrandeep Singh and gave sanction to the institution of ‘Junior Ambassador’ and ‘Senior Ambassador’ Awards to recognize the parents of girl children.
The Junior Ambassador Award would be given to the parents who have only daughters and who are enrolled in schools in standard 8th or above. The Senior Ambassador Award would be given to the parents who have only daughters and who have completed their education and are suitably employed in Govt./Private/Self ventures. Parents of single child (only girl) will also be eligible in case the girl is pursuing higher education.
The recognition has been instituted to honour the parents who only have girl children as the real ambassadors of “Beti Bachao and Beti Padhao”.
The District Task Force has invited applications from eligible parents by or before 27th March, 2016 (4.00 pm), including on holidays, which are to be deposited in the office of Additional District Development Commissioner, Jammu in DC Office on any day between 10.00 am to 4.00 pm. The guidelines and sample form has been uploaded on the website
The meeting was attended by Additional District Development Commissioner, Jammu, Anuradha Gupta; Chief Medical Officer, Jammu, Dr Robinder Khajuria; Chief Education Officer, Jammu, J K Sudan; Project Officer ICDS, Jammu and District Social Welfare Officer, Jammu.