Local LeT militants exhausted, want to surrender

Fayaz Bukhari

Srinagar, Apr 8: The local militants of Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) from South Kashmir want to surrender before the security forces as they are under tremendous pressure from their Pakistani commanders to act at a time when there is continuous pressure on them due to continued security forces’ operations.
The recently surrendered LeT militant, Tanwir Ahmad Sofi, told his interrogators that the local militants of the LeT are under pressure and want to surrender before security forces.
Tanwir surrendered before the police last month after he had a narrow escape twice in two separate gun battles. He escaped from Kakpora encounter in Pulwama in which two militants were killed and from Wandakpora encounter in Pulwama in which LeT commander, Abu Ukasha and his associate were killed in March. Fearing for his life, he surrendered before the police last month.
Soon after Tanwir’s surrender, another LeT militant, Owais Ahmad Malik, resident of Hakripora in district Pulwama also surrendered. He had joined LeT in March and surrendered after one month.
Tanwir told his interrogators that LeT commanders who are die hard, make locals work hard when they are not trained and used to adverse conditions. “Pakistani LeT militants are used to this kind of hard life which locals are not and that is the reason they are feeling exhausted.”
There are 16 local militants of LeT in South Kashmir with 2 from Anantnag, six from Kulgam, two from Shopian and six from Pulwama districts. These militants only know handling of the weapons and are not trained to sustain in adverse conditions.
There are over 15 Pakistani militants in South Kashmir with LeT under the command of Abu Dujana. Tanwir told his interrogators that Abu Dujana has got four fresh fidayeen who were associates of those who carried out the Fidayeen attack in Pampore on EDI building in February this year.
Tanwir also said that LeT has conducted recce of few security forces camps along the National Highway between Pampora and Qazigund for Fidayeen attack but security force pressure is preventing their strike.
The surrendered militant told interrogators that they are also under tremendous pressure from the security forces as every day there are operations against them which keeps them on toes and they are on the move every time.
It may be mentioned here that this year due to sustained operations by security forces, 29 militants including 20 from LeT and 9 from Hizbul Mujahideen, were killed so far in Kashmir valley. This is highest number of militants killed in the first 100 days of the year in recent years.