Simplifying labour inspection

Union Minister of Labour and Employment plans to come out with a unified portal for online registration of units and reporting of inspections. It aims at simplifying business regulations, which at present are rather cumbersome. There is need of transparency and accountability in labour inspections. Additionally, it is developing a webinar centre to increase reach to all stakeholders for imparting training and providing information pertaining to occupational safety and health. The necessity of simplifying business regulations arises from the policy of the Government to make India a manufacturing hub. Our present 15 per cent GDP is expected to rise to 25 per cent in next few years. Therefore, we need to have regulations that make this achievement possible on ground. While we are planning wide expansion of our basic infrastructure in terms of roads, railways, airports, seaports and expressways, we should understand the size of the work force required to translate this dream into reality. That necessitates simplification of business regulations. It is really appreciable that in anticipation of a vast developmental agenda laying ahead, the Ministry of Labour and Employment is keenly interested in making things work in right direction.
We have Building and Other Construction Workers’ Act, 1996, Building and Other Construction Worker’ Welfare Cess Act, 1996, and also the Factories Act. These need revising and upgrading to meet our requirements in the light of schemes like Make in India etc. Factories (amendment) Bill has already been placed before the Parliament for approval and amendments to other law will be undertaken by the said ministry in near future.