Cong leaders accuse BJP, RSS of turning India into neo-fascist state

Hitting out at RSS and BJP, some Congress leaders today accused them of turning India into a “neo-fascist” state and questioned whether they will give up their idea of a ‘Hindu Rashtra’ if they believe in the Constitution.
Speaking during a national seminar ‘Contribution of Dr Ambedkar’, organised by Rajiv Gandhi Study Circle here, a party leader also sought to underscore that India was not a neo-fascist state during the earlier NDA regime led by Atal Bihari Vajpayee, but claimed, it was now, a remark apparently targeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
The leaders also questioned hailing of Ambedkar by right wing outfits as they claimed the saffron organisations were always opposed to the ideology of the Constitution architect.
“What is the context of deliberating Dr Ambedkar’s birth anniversary? I should say and I had said this in Parliament, today we are a neo-fascist Indian state. Fascism developed after Second World War is known as neo-fascism. (PTI)