Issue of elderly people

Kindly refer to the news “SC agrees to examine issue of elderly people” (published in DE on 09th April 2016).The number of aged people is increasing day by day due to enhancement in expectancy of life. This is possible only due to better healthcare available in the country. Financial condition of the people is also improving with the passage of time. But it is also a fact that still large numbers of people in general and elderly people in particular are living in poverty. They cannot afford proper clothing and food. Earlier there was joint family system in our society and elderly people in the family were properly looked after and were leading a dignified life. But due to adoption of nuclear family system in the society the condition of the elderly family members is now worsening. It is very sad on the part of the young generation that those who sacrificed their everything in bringing up their children are being ignored at a time when they need their financial, moral and physical support to lead a peaceful life. There are instances of inflicting physical torture and humiliation of elderly people by their  family members/ children.  Instances are also reported where large numbers of elderly people are thrown out of their house the moment they transfer their property in the name of their children. The tendency of sending aged parents in the old age homes by the well established people is also increasing.
It is a welcome move and good news for the elderly people that Supreme Court has agreed to speak at length on issue of evolving acceptable solutions and schemes for the protection of rights of the elderly and to establish old age homes in every district of the country. The court has also sought assistance of the HelpAge India (NGO) which works for the cause and care of disadvantaged older persons and to improve their quality of life in evolving an acceptable solution and schemes while issuing notice to the Ministry of Social, Justice and Empowerment. As the joint family system is demolishing and the concept of nuclear families is coming up at a great speed there would be great need of old age homes in the country in near future. The central Govt as well as State Govts should allocate sufficient funds to establish such homes in each district so that the needy elderly people may be accommodated and lead an active, healthy and dignified life.
Yours etc……
S.S.Jamwal, SAO(Rtd)
New Plots, Jammu