People protest with dead body, Adm constitutes SIT

People protesting with dead body of minor boy at Basohli on Tuesday.
People protesting with dead body of minor boy at Basohli on Tuesday.

Excelsior Correspondent

KATHUA, Apr 12: The family members, relatives and people from Basohli town  today held strong protest demonstration for over seven hours after a minor boy was found murdered in the toilet complex of local Govt Higher Secondary School here.
Identified as 14-year-old  Karan Kumar, son of Raj Kumar, resident of Ward No. 13 Basohli, the boy had gone to play cricket with other boys of the locality at Govt Higher Secondary School, Basohli last evening. As he did not return home late in the evening, the family members started his search. They also inquired about the boy from his friends and some other boys playing with him there but failed to get any clue.
Later, they informed police and also launched joint search during night. They managed to get the dead body of the boy from the toilet complex of the school. The body was then  shifted to mortuary of the hospital.
Today morning, the news of murder in school spread like wild fire in Basohli town. The schools were closed and market was shut down. A large number of people along with dead body came at the main chowk and blocked all the roads at around 8.30 am. They started protest demonstration against the police demanding arrest of the accused persons involved in the murder. Boy’s neck had been slit and one of his ear was also chopped off.
Later, Additional DC Kathua,  Ravinder Kumar and Additional SP Khalil Poswal also reached in the afternoon. They tried to pacify the agitating people. The District Administration announced setting up of Special Investigation Team (SIT)  into the matter. The people then lifted dharna at around 4.30 pm. Later, the body after postmortem was handed over to the family. The police claimed to have rounded up four suspects in this connection.