UN Security Council condemns North Korea’s failed missile test

UNITED NATIONS, Apr 16:  The United Nations Security Council condemned North Korea’s failed ballistic missile launch, warning that it was a “clear violation” of UN resolutions and the council could take further punitive measures against Pyongyang. Experts believe North Korea attempted to launch an intermediate-range ballistic missile yesterday in defiance of UN sanctions. “The members of the Security Council strongly condemned the firing of a ballistic missile by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) on April 15,” the council said in a statement, using North Korea’s official name. “Although the DPRK’s ballistic missile launch was a failure, this attempt constituted a clear violation of United Nations Security Council resolutions,” it said. The launch, on North Korea’s so-called Day of the Sun which marks the birthday of the country’s founder Kim Il-sung, followed its fourth nuclear test in January and a long-range rocket launch in February, which led to new UN sanctions. The council said it “would continue to closely monitor the situation and take further significant measures in line with (its) previously expressed determination.” (AGENCIES)