Padma Sachdev honoured

The distinguished daughter of Duggar Desh and the eminent intellectual of our country, Padma Sachdev has added another laurel to a long list of honours she has won during her long literary career. She is a distinguished poet, writer, intellectual and social activist who has made her mark among the contemporary intellectuals of India. The 76-year-old writer’s autobiography ‘Chitt-Chete’, published in 2007, was selected for the 25th Saraswati Samman from among five works that were shortlisted from 22 works in as many languages published between the years 2005-2014. The award carries cash dole of 15 lakh rupees and a citation. Padma Sachdev has authored nearly 60 works of prose and poetry in Dogri, her mother tongue and Hindi.
Padma is a patriot par excellence. She speaks for the country that has given her birth. She writes of her people, their history, their culture and their civilization. And she identifies herself with it without effort and without labour for she is spontaneous. Padma has entreated herself to millions of her compatriots and the nation, too, has given her due recognition for her contribution. Such personalities are rarely born and they leave behind the footprints on which new generations of litterateurs would cherish to walk. Padma Sachdev is a literary icon and she occupies very significant place among the contemporary intellectuals. She has immensely enriched Dogri and Hindi literature and brought in her unique style and form. We wish her many laurels to come in future.