UN honours Ambedkar

It is a matter of pride for the country that the United Nations formally celebrated the 125th birth anniversary of the great intellectual, legal luminary, humanist and supporter of the poor, the marginalized and discriminated people of India, namely Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar. Known as the father of Indian Constitution, he rendered yeoman’s service to the framing of a legal system for India after she won independence and the framework called the Constitution of India is one of the world’s most comprehensive legal documents. At a special event organized by the Permanent Mission of India to the UN to commemorate Ambedkar’s 125th birth anniversary for the first time at the global body, Helen Clark, Administrator of the UN Development Programme (UNDP) said in her keynote address, “On behalf of the UN Development Programme (UNDP), I commend India on celebrating this important anniversary at the UN”.
The event was organized in association with civil society advocacy groups Kalpana Saroj Foundation and Foundation of Human Horizon. This celebration comes in the wake of UN commitment to continuing very close partnership with India to help realize the vision of the 2030 Agenda and ensure that Ambedkar’s vision becomes a reality for the poor and the marginalized around the world. These impressions have come from a person who is a potent candidate for the position of next Secretary General of the United Nations. It was a solemn occasion and there were distinguished participants among the invitees who welcomed the great humanistic mission undertaken by Dr. Ambedkar. The speakers believed that the mission of Dr. Ambedkar did not remain restricted to the poor and marginalized people of Indian alone but reached the entire marginalized humanity on this globe. It is for the first time that the services of this great humanist of our country are recognized by the world body. Today his message holds good for the vast marginalized humanity in the African, Asian and South American Continents.
A seminar was also organized in connection with the function and distinguished speakers brought out the significance of Dr. Ambedkar’s contribution to the development and emancipation of human society in contemporary times. Emphasizing that Ambedkar’s ideals are as relevant today as they were 60 years ago, former New Zealand Prime Minister Clark said his work on the empowerment and inclusion of excluded groups, reform of labour laws and promotion of education for all “made him an icon for marginalized people in India and in other countries”.
No doubt recognition by the world body of the services of this great son of India brings us honour in the comity of nations we have still to go a long way in seeing that the dream of Baba Sahib Ambedkar is realized in letter and in spirit. It is an occasion that we in India need to do some introspection and see for ourselves to what extent we have reformed the society, eradiated caste-ism and discrimination and given equal status to all the citizens of the country as enshrined in our constitution. Let us be honest and concede that though lot has been done to uplift the downtrodden and marginalized through legislation, social reforms, administrative methods and humanistic approach yet much more remains to be done. We have to remember that the strength of India lies in the unity of her people with a vision to the future greatness of the country. We cannot progress if Indian society remains divided for one reason or the other. The futuristic vision of India suggests that there is great potential in this country and in this people which need to be exploited in the interest of the common man.  The Constitution of India of which Dr, Ambedkar is the chief architect, is a brilliant piece of legislation that embodies the best of the ideas of a just and humane society.
It is a matter of great satisfaction that the Government of Narendra Modi has diverted its full attention towards doing all that is possible for the uplift of the downtrodden and marginalized segments of our society. He has for the first time in the course of our independence, given proper publicity to the importance and relevance of the teachings of Dr. Ambedkar. The legal institution which Dr. Ambedkar had envisaged is now poised to become fully functional and deliver to the satisfaction of one and all. This is the reason why today, Dr. Ambedkar commands the respect and love of all Indians, irrespective of cast and creed because he has shown the true path of success and progress of the entire Indian nation. The recognition given to him by the United Nations is well-deserved. It is now our turn to prove worthy of that honour. The teachings and the mission of Dr. Ambedkar are the heart of the new mission 2030, which the United Nationals is contemplating.