Charity begins at home

Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti wants to induct practical meaning to the notion of transparency in administrative function of responsible and senior Government functionaries. These days we hear the phrase transparency from all sides and yet we wonder if those at the helm of administration are really inclined to observe the ideal of transparency.
While presiding over a meeting of the DCs and District SPs, the Chief Minister surprised everybody when she said that she had compiled a list of her relatives in the Government service and that she was going to forward the list to the General Administration Department with the hope that all these relative in Government service will be dealt with in a manner in which all Government servants are treated. In other words, she means to say that nobody should be shown out of way favours while considering their service record and performance. This is actually a step to check the growing nepotism in the administration because relatives and close family members of a Chief Minister would be tempted to use their influence and blood relations to elicit favours and privileges from the Government.
This is a highly laudable move of the Chief Minister. Naturally, it should generate identical action by other ministers and top brass of bureaucracy. This will also silence those who might at any time raise their accusing finger towards the Chief Minister that she is showing favour to selected Government employees at the cost of others. We think that this is a positive step towards good governance… We would highly appreciate if other members of the Council of Ministers follow in her footsteps and create a precedence that will go a long way in removing nepotism and favouritism from our administration.