Mehbooba terrified of facing by-election in Anantnag: Omar

Mehbooba terrified of facing by-election in Anantnag: Omar
Mehbooba terrified of facing by-election in Anantnag: Omar

SRINAGAR: Working president of the main opposition National Conference (NC) Omar Abdullah today termed the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)-BJP Government’s move to seek the postponement of by-elections for the Anantnag Assembly Segment as a loud and clear admission of failure by Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti.

She was evidently terrified of facing the people, Mr Abdullah said. “In seeking the postponement of election for the Anantnag Assembly Constituency, Ms Mehbooba has shown that she has panicked and is hiding behind the Election Commission, Mr Abdullah quipped.  This desperate and eveasive move shows how badly the Chief Minister is governing the State and is a formal admission of defeat by the PDP-BJP alliance. Fearing rejection by the people, the Chief Minister has evaded the very first formal referendum on the PDP-BJP alliance and that’s a very significant development”, Mr Abdullah said in a statement.

He said Ms Mehbooba was trying to escape the consequences of PDP’s sell-outs and political surrenders under the fig-leaf of an allegedly ‘non-conducive’ situation.

“When the Chief Minister of a State is petrified of failing to seek an electoral validation to continue in her chair, the very credibility, mandate and writ of the Government becomes questionable.  Knowing well that her party is facing a complete rout at the grassroots level, she has chosen to run away from her very first test and that’s tragic,” Mr Abdullah said. (AGENCIES)