Of Constituency Development Funds

In a democratic set up like India, people elect their leaders with a hope that their problems may redressed by them. During elections, these leaders promise moon to people, but once election process is over, these elected representative while enjoying perks and privileges forget the voters. Never bother to visit them again.
The law of the land has granted them Constituency Development Fund (CDF) for carrying out development process in their respective constituencies. When they do not visit their respective areas, these funds lapse. Thereby the commonman gets hit. He gets deprived of his basic amenities like water, electricity and other facilities. Rather than redressing the grievances these leaders often issue statements which not only sound hollow, but hurt the sentiments of the citizens.
Social justices is no where seen. No politician works sincerely for this cause. How can social justice be achieved if ‘Mandal Commission Report’ remains un-implements. There will be no true progress in the society if one section remain deprived of its legitimate rights.
Yours etc….
Prof Kali Dass
General Secretary
All India
Backward Classes
Union (Regd) Social