149 people of divided families cross LoC in Poonch

POONCH:    As many as 149 people of divided families of Jammu and Kashmir and Pakistan occupied Kashmir today crossed the Line of Control in a weekly bus service via Chakan-Da-Bagh crossing point here.

Of these, 78 people crossed over to PoK (Pakistan occupied Kashmir) from Jammu and Kashmir side, while 71 travelled to the Indian side from PoK via the Chakan-Da-Bagh crossing point, officials said.

From the Jammu and Kashmir side, there was one new traveller while the remaining 77 were PoK returnees who were going back after staying here with their relatives, they said.

From the PoK side, 70 were freshers while one was an Indian returnee, the officials said.

Officials from both sides monitored the crossover exercise at Chakan-Da-Bagh, they added. (AGENCIES)