CM should answer vital questions, not resort to name-calling: NC

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, May 10: National Conference today condemned Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti’s personal tirades and said her behaviour and conduct was unbecoming of a Chief Minister.
In a joint statement issued from party headquarters in Srinagar today, National Conference general secretary Ali Mohammad Sagar, provincial president Kashmir Nasir Aslam Wani and provincial president Jammu Devender Singh Rana said the Chief Minister should answer important questions based on genuine apprehensions of the public rather than resorting to personal tirades that undermine the stature of her office and position.
“National Conference had asked the State Government to clarify if the proposed ‘Sainik Colony’ for which land is being allocated is meant for State-subjects or would it be open for non State-subjects as well. This apprehension is again vindicated by the recent statement of a BJP MLA yesterday where the lawmaker has asserted that ex-servicemen from the entire country had a right to settle in J&K. Rather than resorting to petulance and snapping at the opposition for raising genuine questions, Mehbooba Mufti should clarify on these recent remarks by her alliance partner – that is if she could possibly ever gather the courage to do so”, the NC leaders said in the joint statement.
The NC leaders said that Mehbooba Mufti pales in comparison to the stature, integrity and statesmanship of NC working president Omar Abdullah and her personal tirades only expose her lack of civility and standing despite being the Chief Minister of the State. “This is the same Mehbooba Mufti who publicly denounced the BJP and said BJP could never be acceptable to the people of Kashmir. Today the same Mehbooba Mufti grabs every possible opportunity to express her unquestionable obedience and loyalty to the BJP and RSS. Her guilt is overwhelming her. The opposition will continue to hold her and her Government accountable and she should learn to dispense her duties without hiding behind such diversions”, the NC leaders added.