Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan

This refers to the write up’Swachh Bharat Mission a non starter in State’ (April 30,2016). The Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan launched by the Prime Minister on Oct 2,2014 is a noble initiative and clarion call to all Indians to keep their houses and surroundings clean and dirt free for a better and healthier living .
Mahatama Gandhi, the Father of the Nation,said,”If we donot keep our backyards clean, our Swaraj will have a foul stench,”.But unfortunately,many of us are in the habit of spitting on the roads, walls, toilets etc and defecating and urinating in the open.The public places such as railway stations,bus stands, hospitals etc present a dirty look with wrappers,etc littered here and there.We are unmindful of the serious consequences our reckless action may bring us and forget that by doing all this in an irresponsible manner,we are spreading the deadly disease causing germs.
Safe disposal of solid and liquid waste is imperative for clean and germ free environment.But it is not uncommon to find heaps of garbage and refuse on busy chowks and crossroads for days together emanating a foul smell.So first of all, we need to change the mindset and attitude of people.There is need to launch a vigorous campaign to create awareness in the people, especially in rural areas to avoid the traditional practice of defecating in the open and throwing garbage in the fields.They also need to be made aware of converting garbage of things such as peelings of fruit and vegetables, cowdung, foliage, to manure.For this purpose, it is imperative that ground level functionaries such as Panchayat members ,numberdars, chowkidars, village level workers, Asha workers, doctors,  teachers etc are actively involved to aware the people about the hazards of open defecation and throwing garbage on the roadside.All the leaders cutting across party lines, intelligentsia, corporate world need to come forward and work for a cleaner and polythene free India. Maintaining cleanliness and proper sanitation should become a way of life rather than a compulsion.NGOs and other organisations rendering exceptional services in this areas need to be appreciated and rewarded at block, district, state and national level to boost their morale and inspire others to follow suit. The writer has beautifully pleaded for launching this mission vigorously in our state,for which he deserves appreciation.
Yours etc…..
Ankita Sharma,