After China blocks India’s entry into NSG, US-India hold crucial strategic dialogue

NEW DELHI, May 14: A day after China teamed up with Pakistan to block India’s entry into the elite Nuclear Suppliers’ Group (NSG), US and India today went into crucial Strategic Security Dialogue, where the issue is likely to be discussed at length.

From US’ side Under Secretary Rose E Gottemoeller will sperarhead the talks, who is looking after the arms control and international security affairs in the Obama administration. The issue of India’s membership is bound to come up for the discussion in the annual dialogue, as Ms Gottemoeller  leads the inter agency policy process on nonproliferation and manages global US security policy.  She is mandated to look after the areas of nonproliferation, arms control, regional security and defense relations, and arms transfers and security assistance. Visit of Ms Gottemoeller has become significant after Beijing once again came in open against India, to blocking its entry into the NSG saying that  Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) was the cornerstone for safeguarding the international nuclear non-proliferation regime, to which India is not a signatory.

This is second time in as many months that China frustrated India’s efforts on international forum.  Beijing had blocked the listing of Jaish-e-Mohammed chief Masood Azhar at the United Nations Security Council, after India’s permanent representative made a forceful case to get the mastermind of Pathankot terror attack designated as the proclaimed terrorist.

The US has categorically supported India’s membership in the NSG, disagreeing completely with China. Spokesperson for the US state department reminded what President Barack Obama had said on the issue.

“I’d point you back to what the President said during his visit to India in 2015, where he reaffirmed that the US view was that India, quote, “meets missile technology control regime requirements and is ready for NSG membership,” said the spokesperson. (UNI)