Mufti shook hands with Modi to end J&K’s sufferings: Mehbooba

Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti addressing rally after laying foundation stone for Medical College at Anantnag on Sunday. -Excelsior/ Sajad Dar
Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti addressing rally after laying foundation stone for Medical College at Anantnag on Sunday. -Excelsior/ Sajad Dar

Fayaz Bukhari

Srinagar, May 15:  Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti today said that the Coalition Government wants to make State a showcase of mini-India for outside. She said her father Mufti Mohammad Sayeed joined hands with Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, to achieve this goal and end the sufferings of the people of the State.
Addressing a public gathering after Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare, Jagat Prakash Nadda, laid foundation stone of a new Medical College at Anantnag, Mehbooba said the Anantnag district is called “home district of Muftis” because “they (people) have always supported my father for last 50 years. After he came from Aligarh, he held the flag of a mainstream party and they (people) held him and never left,” she said.
Chief Minister said her father’s inheritance is people and their sufferings, pain, and difficulties. “To end these sufferings and to get people out of them, my father shook hands with Modi and (both) promised to take Jammu and Kashmir out of these sufferings,” she said in an emotional tone.
Mehbooba lashed out at national media and accused the national television channels of spreading hatred for Kashmiris in the country. “If 10 masked kids come out on roads and pelt stones, the national television channels show them every day. If anyone waves any flag, he is shown every day. Nadda ji, do you know a 23 year old youth from Mattan area secured second position in the IAS examination but your electronic media in Delhi is not interested in showing him. We have a daughter of a deceased auto driver who got scholarship from London because she is very good artist. Do you know? A 20 year old girl from Baramulla has become India’s youngest pilot. Do you know?” she said.
Mehbooba said “if electronic media shows these things then they won’t get a chance of abusing Kashmiri people”. “That’s why they hold discussions on those people and show those faces (stone-pelters) and broadcast speeches of those people which spreads hatred for my people in the country,” she said, adding: “Can you (Nadda) see any of those (masked stone-pelters) who are shown (on TV channels)?”
Chief Minister said the problem from 1947 is that the leadership of Delhi and Kashmir “have never told them (people of Valley) truth” and “only shown various dreams from time to time”. Invoking the truthfulness of Prophet Muhammad and Lord Rama, she said they were epitomes of truth and always prohibited lying. “The Prophet even prohibited calling a child by deceit…but people of Kashmir have been betrayed from 1947,” she said.
Hailing her father Mehbooba said: “Here the role of Mufti began. He is the lone leader of J&K who never betrayed people and never lied….when after we fought elections and shook hands, we didn’t made fake promises to people and we formed an Agenda of Alliance. Mehbooba said the Agenda of Alliance is a mix of country’s interest and dignity, aspirations and emotions of people of Jammu and Kashmir and there is no clash. “We kept it together and kept both together,” she said.
Chief Minister hailed BJP top leadership including Rajnath Singh and Arun Jaitley for promising her to uphold the Agenda of Alliance during the talks on Government formation after Mufti Mohammad Sayeed’s death and thanked Centre for establishing AIIMS at both Jammu and Srinagar which was mentioned in the Alliance document.
Mehbooba expressed hope that the other things pertaining to Defence, Power, Housing Ministries and all other things which are in the Alliance document would be implemented. She said Army can keep the land where it needs but where they don’t need the Government will construct colleges and schools, saying: “it sends a positive message of normalcy among people of Kashmir”.
“I am no one. But today the question is of my father, who formed this alliance, the question of his respect, credibility, identity, dignity and dignity of Jammu and Kashmir,” she said and expressed hope that the MoS in PMO, Dr Jitendra Singh, would help her to speed up the Agenda of Alliance as the document lies with the PMO.
Mehbooba said Mufti Sayeed changed the environment of State after assuming power in 2002 and followed the policy of healing touch and opening of routes with Pakistan. However, she said, the agenda of Mufti lost after new Government took over in 2005 and Mufti had to re-start from zero in 2015.
“There were lots of difficulties. I am also facing difficulties today…I don’t want to waste five years. I want fulfillment of dream of Mufti sahab and urge of Modi ji, which is getting out J&K out of difficulties and development of everyone…,” she said, adding: “our people want to hold hands with you.”
Mehbooba said her Government wants to make J&K a showcase window of mini-India for outside world where people from various religions including Hindus, Muslims, Bhuddists, Sikhs and Christians with separate faces, languages and colours are living together. “The way they are living is like mini-India,” the Chief Minister added. “Your honour is my honour and my honour is your honour,” she told people and thanked them for their participation.