NC accuses PDP-BJP of weakening Art 370, internal autonomy

Adil Lateef

May- 16,2016- SRINAGAR : Jammu and Kashmir National Conference general Secretary  Ali Mohammad Sagar  with senior party leaders addressing a press conference at National Conference Party Headquarter Nawa-e-Subh Complex in Srinagar , on Monday. Excelsior Photo

Srinagar, May 16: Opposition National Conference (NC) today accused People’s Democratic Party (PDP) and Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) coalition of weakening Article 370 and eroding internal autonomy of State by creating issues like NEET and Sainik Colony and vowed to corner the Government in upcoming Assembly session.
Addressing a press conference, the NC General Secretary and legislator, Ali Mohammad Sagar, said over the past few days issues like NFSA, Industrial Policy, Sainik Colony and separate townships for Kashmir Pandits are being raked up “to create confusion and chaos among people with regard to Article 370 and autonomy”.
Referring to NEET, the NC General Secretary said the Government spokesman earlier said that they are invoking Article 370 in the Supreme Court. “But the Supreme Court then rejected appeal of State,” he said, adding “and subsequently the State Government said the interests of the State have been preserved.”
The senior NC leader claimed that the State Government was not consulted over new Industrial Policy. “Instead, the BJP Industries Minister implemented it from Delhi and on second day the State Government said we will review it,” he added.
Referring to NFSA, the NC General Secretary said the Central laws cannot be applied directly in the State until and unless the Legislature approves it. “Former Chief Minister Mufti Sayeed termed it a landmark decision and said we will create history… However, then you saw how people came on roads and staged protests from Lakhanpur to Karnah. There was immense confusion and even their CAPD Minister said ‘we need to amend it’,” he said.
The NC General Secretary reiterated its opposition Sainik Colony and Pandit townships. However, he said, the party has no objection if only State-Subjects are settled in Sainik Colony. He termed the Kashmiri Pandits as part and parcel of “our culture and brother” but said the separate townships are unacceptable.
He said all these issues are being raked up one after another and the coalition partners have opposite stand with regard to them “as PDP Minister issue clarification while BJP advocates settlement of Sainiks from outside State”.
Sagar said the NC will take up all these issues in the upcoming session of Assembly. He alleged that BJP is using Mehbooba Mufti for weakening Article 370 and eroding autonomy of the State.