Prevent women harassment

With visible success in Government’s efforts of giving representation to women in services, a good number of women are found working in different Government offices, banks, public sector organizations as well as private organizations in the State. It is a sign of health of our society that women are treated at par with men and that no gender discrimination is made. One feels happy and satisfied to know of this situation.
But the disquieting factor is that there are increasing reports of women harassment in work places by their colleagues, superiors or juniors. A good number of complaints are coming in about cases of harassment and abuse perpetrated against women workers which washes down the good impression that we have about the Government giving a fair deal to the women. The Chief Minister has taken very serious note of incidents of harassment of women at their work places and no action taken to stem the rot. She has taken a bold step and ordered the Internal Complainants Committee should be installed in all Government offices and sub-offices and on district level offices also. They are asked to record complaints of harassment and the action taken on these complaints. She has ordered that such committees should be constituted within one month and proper monitoring of cases and progress of investigation should be reported to the HOD and through him to the Administrative Secretary.
This is an appreciable step and an effective way of preventing harassment of women employees. But the matter needs to be carried a step further. Generally cases of women harassment end up in smoke and the culprits escape scot-free. A mechanism needs to be devised by dint of which the culprits do not escape the wrath of the law. If the CM could find out a way of enforcing the law, it would be a laudable step in the direction of protecting the modesty of women workers.  We have the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplaces (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.  In terms of availability of a legal framework, there is no deficiency in providing security to women workers. But all the weakness lies in half-hearted implementation of the clauses of the Act. That is the real weakness and constituting the Internal Committees, though a welcome step, can become effective only when the implementation part of it is strong and effective.