Pay Rs 20 lakh compensation to victim of rape: Harshdev

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, May 21: Describing the Khour incident of rape and extortion as highly obnoxious and profligate, chairman of JKNPP and former Minister Harshdev Singh has observed that the episode symbolized the most abominable decline in standards of probity and morality in Police force.
Mr Singh said that the mode and manner in which the Khour couple was abused, assaulted, humiliated, manhandled, tortured, sex-ploited and looted exposes the State police at its ugliest. Ridiculing the State Govt and the Police authorities for patting their back for having booked the delinquent SHO, Mr Singh said that the common man was fast losing faith in the Police Department.
He said Khour episode was only a tip of the ice berg and was exposed only because of the initiatives of an alert media and that there were several such incidents of rape, loot, murder etc. which had gone unnoticed or had been thrown under the carpet.
Harshdev said that  the Police force was being looked upon as an indisciplined and notorious and recognized more for its reign of terror, intimidations and coercion than its role as custodians of law and order. He said that the likes of Khour case which reveal the horrendous face of the Police force were so obnoxious as to squirm even the greatest of champions of Human Rights in their graves but regretted that the mandated leaders of Jammu including ministers and legislators  kept mum. He said that when the security forces were falsely accused of having harassed a girl in Kashmir, the entire Valley boiled with public outrage but the so called champions of Jammu refused to utter a word despite the most outrageous and barbaric conduct by Police in Jammu.
He demanded  that the victim girl was not only tortured, humiliated, raped but would also have to undergo a lifelong mental trauma and hence sought a compensation of Rs 20 lakh to her.
Seeking a complete revamp of Police administration Harshdev  further sought to know as to why only a selected few of the Police officers were repeatedly posted as SHOs, SDPOs and District Police chiefs. He said that there were several honest officers also in the Department  who were required to be identified and given important postings.