Save Devika

This has reference to the article ‘River Devika’ published in the Sunday issue of  DE Sept  16.
On the one hand we say that it is our cultural symbol, but on the other hand that very symbol as has been defiled by us by dumping all sort of waste  in it.
The river Devika Udhampur is an example of non-seriousness on the part of local people and the administration.
No sincere effort seems to have been taken to keep it clean. Mere mentioning that it is sacred is not going to do any good to it. The people, if not administration, must come forward to save it.
As has pointed out in the article that this is  a cultural symbol of Duggar,  it must be preserved for the posterity.
Had it been existing in any western country, it would not have existed in such a sorry State. Rather, it would  have been promoted as a pilgrimage spot.
Yours etc…
Amit Khajuria