Plea to Government

Generous attention of the Government is drawn towards the redressal of the following problem, demands and grievances of the employees of the States. viz removal of pay anomaly of various cadres including the pre-revised grade of Rs 6500-10500- Rs 7400 to 11500, clerical cadre, enhancement of retirement age from 58 to  60 at par with the Central Govt employees and enhancement of medical allowances from Rs 300- Rs 1000 in favour of all the employees of the State as already agreed by the Government with various employees association of the State including EJAC, MTWA many times and the Government has constituted a sub cabinet committee/ pay anomaly committee for the said purpose which is likely to submit its recommendations before the Government by or before Sept 30 as announced by the Government. Besides, the SRO 22 of 2012 need to be amended as it has created another anomaly after anomaly as junior’s get  more pay than the seniors.
Besides above, it is requested to the Government to implement the schemes like RMSA/SSA, filling of lecturer/other vacant of all the departments and promotion of master/teachers/headmasters and equivalent in other departments.
Yours etc….
Ashok K Lalpuri
Publicity Secretary
MTWA C/o 45 Ajeet Colony Gole Gujral