JKGPA demands affiliation of JKPC with PCI

President, JKGPA, Sushil Sudan, along with working president of JKGPA, Ch Jarnail Singh, addressing a press conference at Jammu. -Excelsior/Rakesh
President, JKGPA, Sushil Sudan, along with working president of JKGPA, Ch Jarnail Singh, addressing a press conference at Jammu. -Excelsior/Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, May 25: Jammu Kashmir Government Pharmacists Association has demanded affiliation of J&K Pharmacy Council (JKPC) with the Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) for a check on fake Pharmacists in the state of Jammu and Kashmir and encouragement to genuine ones.
Addressing a press conference here today, Sushil Sudan, president, JKGPA and newly elected National general secretary, AIGPA, said that Diploma in Pharmacy course being offered by various colleges in J&K are not as per the guidelines of PCI because of which even the trained/qualified Pharmacists of J&K are not eligible to apply for any post of Pharmacist, advertised by Central Government Departments, Central Paramilitary Forces, Railways etc.
Further, Sudan added, in the absence of affiliation with PCI, the J&K Drug Control Department has been issuing Chemists and Drug licenses to the unskilled, non-professional persons on the fake experience certificates thus putting the health of innocent people at great risk.
“Due to this policy and malpractice, the drug licenses are being issued to Rehriwalas, Halwai, Cart owners and several political workers, who have zero knowledge of drugs and medicines. These unskilled persons are engaged in malpractices, particularly in rural areas putting the health of innocent patients at great risk and also demoralizing trained and professional Pharmacists,” Sushil Sudan further said and once again stressed for urgency of the affiliation of JKPC with PCI.
Choudhary Jarnail Singh, working president of JKGPA and newly elected National executive member of AIGPA, informed that the matter in this regard has already been brought into the notice of State Government as well as the Governor of J&K awaiting their response over the same.
Earlier, the members of JKGPA felicitated Sushil Sudan and Choudhary Jarnail Singh on their election as National general secretary and National executive member, respectively of AIGPA.