Govt fails to implement Agenda of Alliance: Oppn

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, May 28: Discussion on Motion of Thanks on Governor’s Address continued for the 2nd consecutive day today in Legislative Assembly.
Initiating today’s discussion, M. Y. Tarigami said that Government should take concerted efforts to maintain the plural culture of the State. He said that inclusive political process should be strengthened and dialogue should be started with all stakeholders to maintain peace in the State as the youth of the State want a dignified life. He said that State and Central Governments should be responsive and understand the ground situation of the State.
He alleged the Governor’s Address lacked any thing about the Daily Wagers and Casual Labours.
Ranbir Singh Pathania said that the issues of power and water crises in Jammu were sorted out during the ten months of Coalition Government. He said that the Assembly is a forum for constructive debate and everybody should contribute towards making it more vibrant. “This is for the first time in 60 years that Jammu and Kashmir got IIM and IIT. Also we are conducting panchayat elections and have also planned to have Municipal Elections,” he added.
Ali Mohammad Sagar said that the Government should work on the aspirations of the people of the State and take all necessary measures to stop any kind of human killings.
Vikar Rasool Wani said that none of the issues mentioned in the Agenda of Alliance has been resolved. He pointed out dialogue process, return of power projects, and revocation of AFSPA are yet to be concluded.
Rajiv Jasrotia while favouring the Governors Address said that 2014 year was historic for the people of the country in general and the State of Jammu and Kashmir in particular.He asked the opposition to be accommodative when it come to the development of the State.
Turning tables on coalition, MLA Udhampur, Pawan Gupta today criticized the government for reiterating safeguarding of Article 370 in the Governor address and said that when there is no opposition to it why it has been again mentioned in the address. He said the BJP which was opposing the special status to J&K has now surrendered before PDP hence there is no need of mentioning about Article 370 repeatedly.
He said there is no mention of Action Taken Report on last Governor address. Besides, there is no mention about the delimitation which was in the Agenda of Alliance (AOA).
Gupta while criticizing the AOA said political initiative taken by the coalition to support and strengthen reconciliatory environment and built stakes for all for peace and development  can have serious repercussions. He also took the Government to task for decreasing 70 percent funds in national rural drinking water and said that 80 lakh people will be affected by it.  He said Centre has made it clear that it is the responsibility of the State as it has provided enough funds in 14th Finance Commission for the said scheme.
He also questioned the Government’s claim that by changing the budget and accounting expenditure has been saved and challenged the Government that no expenditure was saved on this account.
Gupta said the Udhampur had Rs 163 crore budget outlay last year and it has been now given Rs 71 corore. He also accused the Government of watching like a mute spectator to the strike of PHE employees which has entered the 73rd day now and the people are facing hardships on account of the same.
He said along with the development of border tourism attention be paid to development of pilgrimage tourism in Jammu also which has a lot of potential and can generate a huge revenue also. He said the Ladli Beti Scheme has not been implemented in 16 left over districts so far.
Engineer Abdul Rashid said that he always supports an agenda that leads to resolution of all issues. While criticizing the BJP-PDP, he also accused Congress and NC coalition for not coming upto the expectations of people.
Javid Mustafa Mir said that the previous Governments should also remember and talk about the Shopian tragedy and 2010 agitation.
Aijaz Ahmad Khan said that the ruling party has not been successful in fulfilling the promises made to people. He said that the Prime Minster should talk about Jammu and Kashmir in his MANN KI BAAT program.
In the Upper House, Zafar Iqbal Manhas said that it is a comprehensive, compact document that covers all developmental aspects of the state. On Agenda of Alliance, he said that it is a document for providing good governance.
Welcoming the Governor’s address Vibodh Gupta said that the address is a model document on good governance. He said that Chief Minister, Mehbooba Mufti has taken certain measures for women empowerment which need to be appreciated including the opening of women police stations in state.
Sajjad Ahmad Kichloo said that much needs to be done for ensuring peace, progress and development of the State. He added that Government needs to address the issue of unemployment which can be addressed by starting work on its various hydro-power projects, especially in Chenab valley.
Kitchloo said that the Government should reconsider the existing quota under NFSA as the topography of the state restricts year round agricultural activities in many remote areas including Gurez, Leh, and Kishtwar and people are dependent on the Government ration supply alone.
He said that the Government should also focus on rural areas and called for the enhancement of the salaries of contractual lectures.
Jugal Kishore Sharma said that Government needs to ensure that the State is also included in the list of smart cities in the country.
He said that Government needs to address the employee’s welfare issues, including those of casuals, daily wagers, and need based.
Ashok Khajuria said that having Mehbooba Mufti as the first female Chief Minister of the state we have catered to around half of our country’s population.
Ajat Shatru Singh congratulated the Government for its efforts towards women empowerment. He said that Government needs to focus on imparting region specific skills to the youth of three regions of the State.
He added that Government should work for scrapping the travel advisories issued by various countries. He also advocated for exploring the possibilities of putting our green gold on world map by working on exotic and medicinal plants and  suggested for starting of forest based MSMEs to increase the job opportunities and the proper utilization of the State’s natural resources.
He also stressed for the revival of renewable energy projects in the state, and also asked for conserving the exiting energy resources.