Principles of Mufti Sayeed will not be compromised: Hamid

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, May 29: Making mention of the principles of Late Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed, the incumbent Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti has very rightly resolved to carry forward ‘Agenda of Alliance’ only to restore peace and dignity of people of Jammu and Kashmir and give them an honourable life besides establishing  a rule of law that is transparent and accountable to common masses.
This was stated by People’s Democratic Party (PDP) leader and former member J&K State Advisory Board for Gujjars and Bakerwals, Abdul Hamid Choudhary who added that like her father, Mehbooba Mufti is also not for power but is working towards making Jammu and Kashmir a prosperous State and establish a rule of law here. He said that her speech in the Assembly was historic as she advocated working for poor, downtrodden, unemployed and suppressed classes in the State.
” It was in her first address as Chief Minister in the Assembly that she also emphasized on implementing provisions laid down in the Common Minimum Programme of alliance partners which is laudable,” Ch Hamid said.
The PDP leader further said that vision of Mehbooba Mufti was quite clear and she is going to leave no stone unturned to ensure that peace and prosperity is firmly rooted in troubled  State. Respecting people’s mandate, she was in right perspective and that was what Mufti Mohammad Sayeed also did.
Mehbooba Mufti has also mentioned about  building bridges between Valley and Jammu regions besides strengthening Article 370 of Indian Constitution that guarantees special status to Jammu and Kashmir. Ch Hamid said that Chief Minister’s concern for border people in the House also reflects her vision for peace in the State.
Return of migrants to their homes in the State besides speaking on other issues she also laid emphases on giving women in the State a dignified life which calls for appreciations from all quarters of the State, Ch Hamid maintained.