Transmission lines will be improved soon: Govt

Excelsior Correspondent
Srinagar, May 31: Government today said Rs. 5.96 crore and Rs. 1.83 crore under R-APDRP and IPDS respectively have been proposed for improvement and up-gradation of power scenario in Tral constituency of south Kashmir.
In a written reply to a question of MLA Mushtaq Ahmed Shah in Lower House, the Minister Incharge Power, said the construction of new receiving station is apace under TND and construction of Receiving Station at Aripal has been approved under DDUJY and added that once these receiving stations are commissioned power supply would further improve in Tral area.
The Minister said that regarding deteriorated HT/LT distribution system in the area, the Department has taken concrete measures in phased manner for carrying out system improvement as same has been done in other constituencies also.
“The Department is improving the existing network within the available resources under various programmes. An amount of Rs 10 crore each was released during last three fiscals for the improvement of HT/LT network in the districts of Kashmir Valley, and accordingly an amount of Rs 22.92 Lakh have been utilized for improvement of HT/LT network Tral constituency,” he said.
“Similarly during current financial year the Government has released 25 per cent of the total allocation in respect of the Kashmir valley for the same purpose,” he said.
The Minister stated that renovation, improvement and up-gradation of vast electrical distribution network of the Kashmir valley requires massive investment and to cater to the demand, Centrally Sponsored Schemes like RAPDRP, IPDS for urban areas and DDUGJY for rural areas have been proposed.
The Minister said that the reasons for the damage of distributed transformers are overloading, lightening and heavy snow/rain/windstorm besides higher consumption against the registered load by consumers in the area.
The Minister further said that the construction work of receiving station Ukhrawal has been taken up and Rs 21.86 lakh have been utilized for procurement of material, adding that tenders were also floated for construction of Kheri receiving station. He said that tenders for extension were also floated, however no response has been received and now last date for receiving the tenders has been extended upto June 08, 2016.
He said that in order to facilitate early replacement of damaged transformers, workshop at district Pulwama is being established, which will also cater to Tral constituency,” he added.