Moment to moment living is meditation

Er. Vinod Verma

If meditation is with intent the desired result may be achieved but then it is not meditation, it is only fulfilment of desire. It is not achievement, a thing practised to gain a desired end; It is an end in itself; An end of negative & beginning of positive. Since now this word has created artificial crises of mental awareness to make it a commercial subject rather than a social subject. People take it as a different subject & try to find time for meditation for which they have been spoon-fed. In traditional sense it has now become a meaningless invention. There was enthusiasm in the world; people were not depressed, depression is a contemporary phenomenon-a modern malady. But in true sense it is a totally a way of life in regular awareness of thought & action. It is not an experience or memory gathered for future pleasure. It is to live in present. The human kind needs very urgently a great movement reaching to every person. All other existing therapists run by psychologists, psychoanalysts and therapists did not work. Thus meditational approach is imminent in order to prepare people with meditative energy and send them into the world just as examples for those, that will add a new dimension to the man in distress.
Meditation is an ability to take the mind away from every object of distraction & put it on utilization of thought in action. Learn to guide your thoughts during every moment of working direction. Meditate every moment & watch your thoughts every moment. Discipline your mind when you find yourself becoming filled with dark thoughts – This is Meditation – It yields good results. We should strive to help one another to change for the better through love and body and mind in control for proper output in right direction. Moment to moment living is Meditation. When man reaches the cherished goals, he becomes aware that there are many things around him. For eg:- For one’s whole life one tries to earn money, power, position, thinking that one day when one has got, he will live an abundant, a relaxed life. But one has been tense once whole life and at the end of it-he cannot relax. The whole life disciplined in tension and anguish and worry would not let him relax. At the end of the road, an utter disillusionment, but no way out-Now last thing in life is to find meaning in the present moment. There is no need to be in despair, in depression, one just has to move towards self-exploration. Up to now modern man has been adding only things to his life. Now it is add to one’s being a Meditative Approach in all what he does, what he says, what he listens and what he expects from the thoughts to act in the right direction along with walking wisdom, which continuously prismize your thoughts in a code of conduct in art of living. It does not mean to get away from life’s tribulations. Nature does not expect us to fly away to forests to seek in solitude. We must find solution to any problem within ourselves, within the surroundings, with deeper awareness-It’s a way of life. Only then we can better fulfil the responsibilities of domestic/social affairs with deepest earnestness and with understandable mind.
Mind is a generator of thoughts, Brain is the keeper of thoughts and Meditation is to get rid of negative thoughts with the collection of wise thoughts so that one can work with motto of service in day to day living. We got to change our inherent approach. TSSShe remedy of one’s despair lies in meditation not in the traditional sense but in its wider connotation. It is neither wilful nor act of Renunciation. It is complete freedom from all efforts born out of tension and conflict of Opposites. The most conscientious attention, the greatest zeal, seeking results not just for ourselves but to fulfil the will of supreme self-this way of life can generate peace within the heart of every individual.