Empowering Panchayats

When in June-2011, the process of Panchayat elections was successfully completed  the Omar led Government earned all the credit from all the quarters including international organizations for taking the democracy to the grass root level because in the terror troubled state these Panchayat elections were held after a period of 3 decades. The world recognizes the fact that holding Panchayat elections in J&K is not an easy task but the State Government with the active support of security forces, civil administration and enthusiasm of people of the state passed this litmus test and people elected their local representatives known as Panch and Sarpanches.
Last year during his first interaction with the elected members of Panchayats, the  State Chief Minister Omar Abdullah promised them the Sky  but  on ground even after more than 15 months, nothing substantial is being done for which the Village representative can thank the Government. Chief Minister even promised them honorarium and other important assignments but not even a single penny was ever given to any one representative, neither in Jammu nor in Kashmir. Now these elected Panches and Sarpanches who fought these elections feel helpless and deceived, because many of them had even quit their Government jobs, business and other sources of livelihood to participate in the  elections.  It is pertinent to mention here that as per section 10 of the Jammu and  Kashmir Panchayati Raj Act 1989, every elected Panch, Sarpanch shall be paid an honorarium as decided by the State Government but despite over a period of 15 months the State Government only gave them assurances.
In continuation to its policy the State Government  has decided to change the nomenclature of the State Rural Development Department to ‘Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department’. It is being argued by the State Government that this decision would be prudent to further strengthen the institutions of Panchayats. Though the stakeholders feel otherwise, while giving his reaction over the recent decision of the State Government of changing the name of the ‘RDD”, Convener of J&K Panchayat Conference and Sarpanch of Village Poshana (Bufflaiz, Poonch), Shafiq Mir though welcomed the decision of the State Government but also argued that only change in nomenclature won’t help. He said the elected village representatives have their own genuine grievance.
Like Mir, Shahnawaz Sultan another young  Sarpanch of 26 Years who had successfully contested from Village Repora Namtihal (Chadoora, Budgam) also complains and angers that despite all the risks he contested the elections. He blames the Government for  shying away from empowering the basic democratic institutions. Sultan told that all his family members and friends had advised him not to contest the elections but he trusted the words of the Chief Minister and the State Government and decided to participate. Visibly angry Shahnawaz informed that he was running a Tour Operating agency till April-2011 i.e before election announcement but after being elected as Sarpanch his source of livelihood is running away as he is unable to pay attention towards his business.  He said the State Government is not sincere and such manipulative moves are not going to yield any result.
It is worth  to note here that the State Government is under severe criticism from the opposition and even from its own coalition partner Congress as Prof. Saifudin Soz, the PCC president has time and publicly demanded   implementation of 73rd and 74th amendment in the JK Panchayti Act. Lets’s hope the State Government moves forward and do justice with the elected representatives who have put their life and career on stake for strengthening the democratic institutions in the state especially in the militancy prone areas where there were even open threats to them by the anti-national elements.
Yours etc…..
Raman Sharma
Via  e-mail