NC-Cong coalition failure on all fronts: Jugal

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Sept 21: BJP MLA from Nagrota Constituency, Jugal Kishore Sharma criticized the coalition Government headed by Omar Abdullah for ignoring the common man.
Addressing a public meeting at village Ranjan-Mathwar in his Constituency today he said NC-Congress Coalition Government has totally lost its credibility due to its mis-governance. Terming this Government a failure on all the fronts he said problems like rampant corruption, unemployment, inflation and non implementation of 73rd Amendment of Indian Constitution to empower the Panchyats in the state has been a cause of concern to the common man who is leading a miserable life.
He said no legal power has been transferred to Panchyats and all claims made by the Government in this contest are mere eye wash. Jugal questioned the State Government that, if Article 370 was no obstacle while extending NAREGA , PMGSY and NRHM like Central acts in the state of Jammu and Kashmir then how it becomes obstacle for extending 73rd Amendment. He said the  killing of panchs and sarpanchs in Kashmir Valley is the murder of democracy and demanded adequate security for Panches and Surpanches in the state.
Jugal said the present anarchy and chaos in the state is a result of the failure of the system. He described the NC-Congress regime as the “directionless Coalition” meant just to grab power”. He assured the public that BJP will continue its fight for common man in Assembly and on roads. After the public meeting Jugal Kishore went to the residence of a cancer patient Kaki Bibi and handed over a cheque of Rs. 25000 to her husband Bashir Ahmed for treatment. He also inaugurated many developmental project during his tour of Nagrota Constituency.