4 old age homes in Jammu, none in valley

Excelsior Correspondent
Srinagar, June 16: Government today said there are four old age homes in Jammu run by Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) but no such home is in Kashmir Valley.
Minister incharge, Social Welfare, Sajjad Gani Lone in reply to a question of Member of Legislative Council (MLC), Naresh Gupta, said efforts are afoot for implementation of Jammu and Kashmir Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act-2014.
“To begin with, provision for establishment of two old age homes by the Government has been kept, in each Division, with intake capacity of 150 inmates per home,” he informed, adding old age homes is new phenomenon in Kashmiri society.
According to official figures, the four old age homes run by NGOs in Jammu are located at Amphalla, Udhampur, Kathua and Akhnoor. A total of 99 inmates including 69 males and 30 females are enrolled in these old age homes. The figures reveal that Rs. 12 lakh amount has been paid to these homes except to that of at Akhnoor.
The Minister said as per Section-20 of the Jammu and Kashmir Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act-2014, a provision for medical care of senior citizen has been kept, which largely include beds, separate queues, treatment of chronic/terminal and degenerative disease, research activities and earmarked facilities for geriatric patients in every hospital.
He said the pensioners’ scheme for old age persons is in vogue with full swing. In reply to a query, the Minister said there is no proposal under consideration of the Government to establish stay homes for old age, senior citizens against payments by way of PPP mode.