People of Jammu are embodiment of secularism: Rangil Singh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, June 16:  The people of Jammu have appreciated the efforts of Chief Minister,  Mehbooba Mufti for initiating  projects of holistic/development of the region as also further streamlining the administration and focusing on transparency and accountability. She also cautioned the people against the politics of division and appealed them to frustrate the nefarious designs of the inimical powers who are out to disturb the peace in the State.
This  was stated by former Minister and vice president PDP Rangil Singh in a statement issued here today.
He said that the people have started feeling wind of change and are well aware of challenges which the Government has been facing at the moment. Terming Jammu as the most secular place ever seen in the history, Mr Singh eulogized the people for their awakening and helping in frustrating the evil designs of inimical powers.
Referring to the deliberations of the State Assembly,  Mr. Singh said that the opposition parties are engaged in blowing out of proportion forgetting that their sacred duty is to mitigate the sufferings of the people by guiding the Government through their cooperation for solutions of their problems in a better way. “But it is sad that opposition parties only demonstrate their presence through walkouts, hot wards and raucous. The representatives of the people have to come forward with the problems of the people so that amicable solutions could be sorted out, he added.
Paying kudos to the people of Jammu for their secular credentials the vice president reiterated that secular character of the people was observed when Late Mufti Mohd Sayeed was elected for the first time from R S. Pura Assembly Constituency.
Reminding that ray of hope has now been rekindled in the State under the bold leadership of Mehbooha Mufli; Mr. Singh said that Kashmir is rightly described as the Switzerland of Asia as also a Shining Jewel In the crown of India. The pristine glory, attraction and importance of the State have to be regained and preserved at ail cost, he added. When the inimical powers try to raise their ugly heads. it indirectly reflects that an era of development has started. The evil designs of these nefarious and anti national elements ultimately get crushed through the cooperation and active help of the peace loving people.