Govt continues to adopt cold shoulder response, resentment brewing in Ladakh

*All projects only ‘under examination’

Mohinder Verma
JAMMU, June 16: Resent-ment is brewing among the Legislators as well as populace of Leh and Kargil districts as Government continues to adopt cold shoulder response towards the much-needed training of nullahs and restoration of damages caused by the floods in Ladakh region during the past several years.
The non-serious approach is notwithstanding the fact that even Governor N N Vohra had endorsed the demands of the region so as to prevent further damage to the infrastructure during the future floods.
In the flash floods of August 2010, September 2014 and August 2015 respectively, major public infrastructure suffered extensive damage in Leh and Kargil districts and due to non-availability of sufficient funds, permanent restoration of the damaged infrastructure could not be carried out during the past five years.
Following all these devastating flash floods, only meager financial assistance was kept at the disposal of Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Councils of Leh and Kargil for temporary restoration works that too after repeated requests from the elected representatives of the people of these districts.
In the absence of adequate financial help from Union as well as State Governments and due to limited Annual District Plan, even the public infrastructure which suffered damage during the flash floods of August 2010 could not be permanently restored till date despite lapse of five years.
Since flooding of the nullahs was the main reason behind massive devastation to the public infrastructure particularly vast agriculture land and irrigation canals, the training of nullahs was felt imperative and accordingly necessary exercise was initiated by both the Hill Councils. But the Planning Development and Monitoring and Finance Departments acted as stumbling block in taking such an exercise to the logical conclusion.
This can be gauged from the reply of Minister Incharge Irrigation and Flood Control to the MLA from Leh, Nawang Rigzin Jora in the Legislative Assembly today. The MLA had asked the Government to inform the House about training of six major nullahs, which had caused massive devastation during the floods of August 2010, September 2014 and August 2015.
However, the Minister simply said: “A project for flood protection and training of Temisgam, Dhomkhar, Stakmo, Stakna to Phey Indus River, Leh and Taru Nullahs is under process of obtaining concurrence from Planning Development and Monitoring Department”. However, the Minister failed to inform the MLA or the House as to when the Planning Department would give concurrence despite the fact that training of these nullahs is imperative to check damages during future floods.
Similarly, MLA Kargil, Asgar Ali Karbalie asked the Minister to apprise the House about present status of construction of Snow Avalanche Protection Bund at Yuljuk, Tai-Suru Block and Detailed Project Reports for training of Tazi Thang, Khawos, Thulus Pursa and Sangrah Nullahs.
Much to the disappointment of Kargil MLA, the Minister replied: “Detailed Project Report for Snow Avalanche Protection Bund at Yuljuk stands submitted to Deputy Commissioner/CEO of LAHDC Kargil vide communication No.KC/PW-SE/941-43 dated May 28, 2015 for an estimated cost of Rs 435.53 lakh for approval of project. But, the sanction of the project is awaited till date. Moreover, the DPR of Tazi Thang is under process”.
The Minister further said, “the preparation of Nullah Training Project in respect of Tazi Thang, Khawos, Thulus Pursa and Sangrah is under process”. The replies of the Minister clearly established that Government has yet not shown any seriousness towards training of nullahs, which otherwise is imperative to prevent loss of life and property during floods.
Not only on training of nullahs, the Government has also adopted cold shoulder response towards release of funds for permanent restoration of the flood affected infrastructure in both the districts. This can be gauged from the reply of the Minister to the question of MLA from Nobra, Deldan Namgial.
“A proposal of Rs 1603.20 crore under TAMIER for undertaking restoration works in Leh district which include an amount of Rs 72.26 crore for restoration of flood affected areas of Nobra by the Deputy Commissioner Leh is under examination in the Planning and Monitoring Department”, the Minister said. He, however, expressed inability to specify the time-frame for concurrence from the Planning and Monitoring Department.
This clearly indicates that ‘under examination’ and ‘under process’ is the only response of the Government towards the much needed projects of Ladakh region.
The indifferent attitude of the Government is notwithstanding the fact that Governor N N Vohra had few months back put enough weight behind the demands of the Leh and Kargil districts. Due to non-serious approach of the Government, strong resentment is brewing among the Legislators from the region as well as populace of Leh and Kargil districts.