Guru Hargobind visits J&K

Dr. Raminder Jit Singh

Sikhism with over 25 million followers worldwide is one of the youngest among major world religions. Sikhism was revealed to Guru Nanak over 500 years ago in the Punjab. Sikhism preaches a message of devotion, remembrance of God at all times, truthful living, equality between all human beings, social justice, while emphatically denouncing superstitions and blind rituals.
Guru Hargobind Sahib is the Sixth Guru among the Ten Gurus of the Sikhs. He was the only son of Guru Arjan Dev Ji. He was born on June 19, 1595 at Guru Ki Wadali near Amritsar. After Martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji during the reign of Emperor Jahangir, the Sikhs began to think seriously how to counter tyranny of Mughal Empire. Sikhs under Guru Hargobind Sahib adopted both spiritual as well as political ways to counter the Mughal Empire. Guru Hargobind Sahib wore two swords of Miri (Temporal Power) and Piri (Spiritual Power) after martyrdom of Guru Arjan Dev Ji but he never allowed the temporal aspect to overpower spiritual aspect of his life. Guru Hargobind Sahib transformed the Sikh saints into saint-soldiers. He gave a fine blend to the powers of ‘Bhakti’ and ‘Shakti’. He called upon the Sikhs to protect human rights and stand for human liberty, equality and fraternity.
Guru Hargobind Sahib in Jammu
& Kashmir
Under Guru Hargobind Sahib Sikhism made rapid strides in Jammu & Kashmir be it through the preachers or through the personal visit of Guru Hargobind Sahib. Many historical Gurudwaras have been built across Jammu & Kashmir in commemoration of Guru Hargobind Sahib’s visit in the year 1620 A.D. According to some chronicles Guru Hargobind Sahib was accompanied by Emperor Jahangir on Kashmir tour.
Gurudwara Chevvin Patshahi
Nowshera is a small town nestled in the Pir Panjal hills in the Rajouri district of Jammu & Kashmir. Nowshera has a historic Gurudwara Chevvin Patshahi, which was blessed by the visit of Guru Hargobind Sahib in 1620 A.D. Guru Hargobind Sahib met Baba Biram Shah Dutt, who dedicatedly served Guru Sahib. Guru Sahib bestowed a ‘Gaddi’ (sacred seat) to Baba Biram Shah in that area. Baba Biram Shah propagated message of Sikhism in the hills of Mirpur.
Gurudwara Chevvin Patshahi Rajouri
Gurudwara Chevvin Patshahi Rajouri is yet another historic Gurudwara associated with the visit of Guru Hargobind Sahib in the Rajouri town. According to chronicles present Gurudwara used to be the house of ‘Sehajdari’ Sikh and Guru Sahib stayed here for few days and shared spiritual thoughts of first Sikh Master Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
Gurudwara Shah Ji Marg or Shaadi Marg Pulwama
Gurudwara Shah Ji Marg is situated in South Kashmir in the District Pulwama, 50 Km from Srinagar city. Guru Hargobind sahib stayed here while visiting Kashmir valley in 1620. According to chronicles Kattu Shah, converted Muslim and a faithful Sikh, who had once visited the Guru at Amritsar. At his home the Guru had passed a night while on his way to Srinagar. When the Guru was staying at Srinagar, a group of Sikhs were coming from a distant village with offerings of the honey for the Guru. On the way they stayed with Kattu Shah, who asked them to let him have some of the honey. They refused to do that. When the Sikhs reached the Guru the honey was found rotten and full of worms. Guru Hargobind Sahib said, “This is the result of having denied it to my Sikh in whom resides the spirit of the Guru.” He ordered the visitors to return to Kattu Shah and satisfy him first.
Gurudwara Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji Khampur Sarai Budgam
From Shah Ji Marg Guru Hargobind Sahib proceeded towards Srinagar and halted at a place known as Khampur Sarai in District Budgam. Recently new Gurudwara has been constructed on the spot.
Gurudwara Chatti
Patshahi Srinagar
This Gurudwara is situated near Kathi Darwaza in Rainawari area of Srinagar city. As per the legend an old Blind lady Mai Bag Bhari was a great disciple of Guru Hargobind Sahib. She had prepared a Chola (Dress) for Guru Ji and was waiting for Guru Sahib as she being blind couldn’t travel. So to fulfill her wish Guru Sahib came here at Srinagar and met her. She offered Guru Sahib ‘Chola’, and requested to Guru Sahib to release her from this birth. Her request was accepted and she left for heavenly aboard. Guru Ji himself cremated her body on the left side of Gurudwara Sahib. That place still exists here. The Guru stayed there for a few days and satisfied the spiritual necessities of the visitors by preaching to them the cardinal virtues and their temporal necessities by feeding them from his ever open kitchen. From here Guru Sahib left towards Baramulla.
Gurudwara Tharra Sahib,
Kalampura, Singhpura
Located about 8 Kms from Baramulla on a hillock in village Singhpura is a beautiful Gurudwara Tharra Sahib Kalampura. According to a legend a Muslim ‘Faquir’ Bahlor Shah and his disciples met Guru Hargobind Sahib at this place. Divine knowledge of Guru Sahib left a deep impact on ‘Faquir’ Bahlor Shah and his disciples.
Gurudwara Chevvin Patshahi Sahib, Baramulla
Gurudwara Sri Chevin Patshahi is situated in the Baramulla town. This Place is situated on the bank of River Jhelum. Guru Hargobind Sahib after fulfilling wish of Mai Bhag Bhari at Srinagar, and meeting a Muslim Saint Bahlor Shah came here. Along with Guru Sahib was Emperor Jahangir. When Guru Sahib and Emperor Jahangir reached here, Muslim people offered Jahangir a handmade Stone ‘Takhat’ (Chair). But Jahangir offered that ‘Takhat’ to Guru Sahib, and helped his followers to have Guru Sahib’s blessings. Guru Sahib stayed here for some time and used to sit on the ‘Takhat’ and had discussions with people. Later Guru Sahib planted a Chinaar Tree with his own hands and also blessed that who so ever will visit this place, his wishes will come true.
Gurudwara Sri Chevvin Patshahi Sahib, Parampilla, Uri
Gurudwara Sri Chevin Patshahi Sahib is situated in Village Parampilla, District Baramulla. Guru Sahib came here from Srinagar, Baramulla. Guru Sahib stayed here for some time and further went to Muzaffrabad (Pakistan held Kashmir). Guru Sahib proceeded to Uri via Village Khadnyar, Peernian and stayed near Sultan Dhaki. A plate of stone is still preserved in Gurudwara, on which five Muslim faqirs namely Peer Gulsher, Peer Bhur Sultan, Peer Rangi Iman, Peer Noor Nihal and Peer Abdul Gaffoor and had religious discourses with Guru Sahib. At the end, Guru Sahib proceeded towards ‘Dolanga’ Village. The foot print of Guru Sahib’s horse is still preserved near ‘Dolanga’ site.
Gurudwara Chatti Patshahi Naluchi Muzaffrabad
Gurudwara Chatti Patshahi in Naluchi village near Muzaffarabad (Pakistan held Kashmir) is the last spot of Guru Hargobind Sahib’s visit to Kashmir. Maharaja Ranjit Singh played an important role in the construction of this Gurudwara. This Gurudwara witnessed one the largest massacre of Sikhs during Tribal invasion of Kashmir in 1947. After visiting Naluchi Guru Hargobind Sahib completed his journey of Jammu & Kashmir.
Guru Hargobind Sahib’s Message to the humanity is that the service of the poor and the oppressed is the service of God should be imbibed and followed by one all so as to create peaceful & blessed World of ours.