48 hour countdown for PSLV-C34/Cartosat begins

SRIHARIKOTA : The 48-hour countdown for the June 22  launch of PSLV-C34, one of the biggest ever launches of the Indian  Space Research Organisation (ISRO) with a huge haul of 20  satellites being hurled into space was progressing smoothly.
The Countdown began at 0926 hrs today at the Satish Dhawan Spaceport of ISRO here.
Apart from Cartosat the major payload, 19 other satellites from different countries, including the United States will be released sequentially in a clocklike precision.
The launch also would see performance of two other experiments. This include reigniting of the engine of the launch vehicle for five seconds, 50 minutes after the satellite are put in the intended orbit, ISRO sources said here.
Yesterday, ISRO’S Mission Readiness Review (MRR) Committee and Launch Authorisation Board (LAB) had cleared the 48 hour countdown to begin today and the launch of PSLV-C34/Cartosat-2 Series Satellite Mission for June 22.