Anantnag by-poll: Political parties making final bid to woo voters

ANANTNAG :  Last minute efforts are being made by the political parties to woo voters in Anantnag Assembly constituency, where campaigning ended this evening.          The seat fell vacant following the death of chief minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed in New Delhi on January 7, 2016.

The by-election, being held on June 22, assume significance as it will decide the fate of chief minister Mehbooba Mufti, who is among eight candidates seeking mandate from the constituency, represented by her father Mr Sayeed during two successive terms in 2008 and 2014 as Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) candidate.

Though the separatist organizations have called for poll boycott, the trend of public meetings and road shows organized by different political parties indicate that boycott call will have little impact.

Besides Ms Mehbooba of PDP, Hilal Ahmad Shah of Congress, Iftikhar Hussain Misgar of National Conference (NC) and independents Tejinder Singh, Manzoor Ahmad Khan, Mujeeb-Ur-Rahman, Masroor Ahmad Mir and Mushtaq Ahmad Shah are in the fray.

Er Sheikh Abdul Rashid, a sitting MLA from Langate constituency, who is opposing PDP-BJP coalition and also NC and Congress withdrew his nomination papers at the last moment.

The BJP, a partner in the coalition government in the state did not field any candidate this time and announced to support Ms Mehbooba. However, barring some indoor meetings, the BJP did not organize any outdoor meeting in support of the Chief Minister.

A win in this by-poll is very crucial for Ms Mehbooba who is seeking to become a member of the state Assembly within the mandatory period of six months of her swearing-in as Chief Minister in April.

The Election Commission had announced bye-poll in Anantnag segment in May. However, on the request of state government that situation was not conducive for polling following massive violence in which five persons were killed in security force firing at Handwara in north Kashmir, the polling was rescheduled and fixed on June 19.

Polling was again rescheduled after almost all political parties filed a representation before the EC that they apprehend that voting percentage will be low as it coincidence with the death anniversary of Mirwaiz south Kashmir Dr Qazi Nissar.

Later the polling date was fixed on June 22 and counting of votes will be held on June 25. (Agencies)