Omar accuses late Mufti equally responsible for triggering militancy

Excelsior Correspondent

Srinagar, June 22: Opposition National Conference leader and former Chief Minister Omar Abdullah today hit out at Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti for accusing his party of rigging election in 1987 and triggering militancy in the State as he said that her father was equally responsible for it.
Omar said that if NC president, Farooq Abdullah, is being blamed for forcing Syed Sallahudin to pick up gun, then why should the Indian National Congress which was headed by late Mufti Mohammad Sayeed not share the blame. “Everyone knows National Conference and INC were together fighting elections in 1987. If you are accusing Farooq Abdullah for rigging and giving rise to Syed Sallahudin, then why should not those who were presiding the Congress be blamed equally for it,” Omar said in Lower House this afternoon while speaking on the discussion on  grants for the departments held by Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti. “We know who was president of INC in Jammu and Kashmir in 1987,”  he added.
Mehbooba had earlier in the ongoing Budget session while justifying her party’s alliance with BJP said that Mufti Mohammad Sayeed did not wanted repeat of 1987. She had accused NC of rigging the elections in 1987 and claimed that the rigging triggered militancy in the State and gave birth to Hizb chief Syed Sallahudin.
Omar said that the Chief Minister should inform the House about the PDP’s alliance with BJP. “You are saying that if the Hindus of Jammu region were not brought in alliance then they would have repeated 1947 and Muslims of Jammu region were in danger,” he said, while pointing at Mehbooba.
“Then you are saying that BJP would have killed Muslims if they were not brought into alliance in the Government. Don’t think that if the people of Jammu were not brought into Government, then they would have set fire to Jammu region. NC and Congress would not have allowed that,” the NC leader said.
Omar asked the PDP about the ‘battle of ideas’ slogans for jailing separatists for calling poll boycott in Anantnag where Chief Minister is contesting by-polls. “Where is your battle of ideas?,” he asked. “Your Government has jailed separatists for calling boycott of Assembly by-election. You have charged Yasin Malik in a case related to 1987,” he said.
The opposition leader said that the Handwara killings report has not been tabled in the House despite they being informed by the Speaker that it will be tabled in two days. “We want to know the truth about the Handwara killings,” he said.
Omar said that in 2015, more than 800 youth have been arrested in the Valley, of which 300 belong to Srinagar only. He said that no FIR was registered against 22 people in Jammu who vandalized public property after sacrilegious act in temple. “The 22 people were released overnight. No one is in jail or no FIR has been registered against any person. But unfortunately a police officer was suspended,” he said.
“Compared to it, our youth in Srinagar wave ISIS flags or pelt stones, they are booked. They don’t vandalise public property,” Omar said.
The former Chief Minister also spoke about administrative issues, tourism and issues of employees and asked Mehbooba to implement Public Services Guarantee Act.
Earlier, speaking on the demand of grants, Independent MLA Engineer Abdul Rasheed Sheikh said the Government has failed to table any report of Handwara and HMT incidents. “It was not the fault of the Government as the political situation of the State left them paralysed,” he said.
M Y Tarigami said that uncertainty in the State is fallout of governance issue. Government has failed to resolve the daily problems of the people which led to uncertainty. He urged Government to do something for the common people. He suggested that if reforms are to be made in the home department, Police Station needs to have a humane face. He said that Inquiry committees set up by Government are eye wash and people have lost faith in them. He demanded that the gun license be stopped immediately so as to discourage gun culture and prevent a civil war in the State.
Javed Beg said that the backward status of a woman should be maintained after her marriage in a non-backward area. He demanded that the disaster management that has been neglected be made effective as Kashmir is in red zone and a flood prone area.
Satpal Sharma demanded rope way for Shiv Khori and development of Katra town on modern lines where lakhs of people visit for pilgrimage. He demanded that the civilians who are killed in cross firing be compensated. He also demanded insurance cover for the police constables.
Mian Altaf said that Kashmir is facing uncertainty since 1947 especially from 1989 and peace needs to be restored here for development of the State. He suggested that Government should hold talks with Pakistan and separatists to resolve the issue.
Vikar Rasool said that Government has backed out from its promises on AFSPA, release of political prisoners and holding of talks with separatists. He targeted Finance Minister and said that the PM package has nothing for the far flung areas of the State. He said maximum money has gone to National Highway. He targeted the Government for not implementing the decisions taken by the former Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed in District Development Board meetings. He stressed on communal harmony in the State.
Pawan Kumar Gupta said the institutions have not been strengthened by the Governments. He described GAD as transfer industry and demanded that it should be stopped. He said that Tourism Department has neglected Udhampur district.
Ashraf Mir demanded pro-tourism master plan for boosting tourism. He said that MLAs have no accommodation while former MLAs are enjoying accommodation.
Shakti Parihar raised the issue of discrimination with Chenab Valley in distribution of funds. He demanded creation of Chenab Region Development Fund as was promised by former Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed. He demanded release of funds for Doda Polytechnic College and final awarding of Medical College for Doda. He demanded fire service station for far flung areas of the district. He said that Doda has been neglected in Tourism sector.
Deldan Namgiyal demanded Siachen Glacier base camp be opened for domestic tourists and Nobra Tourism Development Authority. He demanded PSC office in Leh for the benefit of the students of the region.
Mohammad Yusuf accused of previous Governments of neglecting Shopian in Tourism sector. He said that Mughal Road gave impetus to tourism in the area and hoped new places will be explored in the area.
Gagan Bhagat demanded empowerment of women police in the State. He demanded posting of more women in Police Stations. He demanded more funds for police accommodations and welfare measures for their families. He said that development is our main agenda and Article 370 has been put on back burner by the BJP for the timebeing.
Khalil Bhand said that district Pulwama has been neglected by Tourism department. He demanded Tarsar Marsar and Shikargah be brought on Tourism map. He demanded Police Station for Litter.
Dina Nath Bhagat said that Chenani has lot of tourism potential and demanded that more areas be brought under tourism map in his constituency. He demanded that VDCs be strengthened. He also demanded regularization of dailywagers.
Ravinder Raina demanded District Police Line for Nowshera and Fire Station for Sunderbani and development of Sunderbani as tourist place. He opposed the talks with separatists. He expressed concern over the Chinese activities in Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK).