Will ally with BJP 1000 times for peace with dignity: CM

*Watch live video of CM’s reply on Excelsior Youtube channel
Fayaz Bukhari
Srinagar, June 22:  Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti today, while hitting out at opposition Congress and National Conference (NC) for questioning her party’s alliance with the BJP, said she will enter into such a coalition thousands of times if it brought peace with dignity to the State.
“The alliance with the BJP was formed to respect the mandate of the people. We cannot have a Government of one religion and opposition of another religion. I will form this alliance thousands of times if it helps in restoring peace with dignity in the State,” Mehbooba said while replying to the cut motions in the Assembly on grants for departments under her charge.
The Chief Minister said she did not need to justify her party’s alliance with the BJP every time as it was her late father Mufti Mohammad Sayeed’s decision. “For me, this decision is engraved in stone. He has always taken difficult decisions during his 60 year career and he did not make U-turns. If we are in (such a) situation, it is due to the constant U-turns of some (leaders),” she added.
Mehbooba said it was the endeavour of her Government to provide good governance with accountability along with a sustained political process. “If we give only good governance without political process or a political process without good governance, it will not work. We have to do both simultaneously but for that you have to give us some time,” she said.
“There are so many challenges on political, security, development, economic and administrative fronts confronting Jammu and Kashmir. We will have to provide not just good governance, but ensure proactive and pro-people governance to address the enormous challenges confronting the State,” Chief Minister said.
Mehbooba said while she was for dialogue to resolve issues, the situation should improve for such a process to be started.  “The tourism has started reviving… We want dialogue but let the situation improve,” she added.
The Chief Minister again hit out at some TV news channels for their negative portrayal of the situation in the State. “While they did not find the valour of a boatman, who drowned while saving tourists, worthy of a story, they held a discussion when some pilgrims were accidentally caught in stone pelting on police.
“May be some vested interests from other States, who want to crush the tourism industry of our State, are behind it (negative coverage),” she added.
On the amnesty to stone-pelters, Mehbooba said the Government was reviewing all cases since 2008. “Those not involved in heinous crimes will be released and some may be released before Eid,” she said.
The Chief Minister appealed the opposition to set aside political differences and help in the Government efforts for bringing back Kashmiri Pandits to the Valley. “We will continue fighting elections against each other but let us work together to bring back Kashmiri Pandits,” she said.
On the demand of Pandit community for opening Sharda Peeth pilgrimage to Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK), Mehbooba said she will take up the matter with the Centre so that it can be opened to Pandit pilgrims from this side.
Hitting out at separatists for raking up unnecessary controversies about Article 370 of the constitution, Chief Minister said that focus should rather be on preserving and protecting the people and the environment of the State. “I am surprised that  preachers talk so big about Article 370 (in their sermons). What is Article 370? It is of significance only if we are at peace,” she said.
In an apparent reference to Hurriyat Conference chairman Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, Mehbooba said it is not for the preachers to look after the special provisions of the Constitution with regard to the State but for the mainstream political parties of the State. “What are they talking about safeguarding Article 370 … they are looking for something else. It is we, who have to protect it. It is our shared inheritance and nothing in it will change,” she said.
Chief Minister said the preachers do not talk about harassment of women and girls in the society nor do they mention environmental degradation in their sermons. “I also belong to the family of preachers. We have to strive for protecting the environment and the waterbodies. For years, we dumped our garbage in River Jhelum and it retaliated by dumping it back in our homes for 10 days (by floods). But we still did not learn any lessons,” she said.
On the demand of legislators seeking salary hike, Mehbooba said she will ask the Finance Minister to explore the possibility of doubling it. “I will ask the Finance Minister to double the salaries of the legislators if there is scope for it,” she said.
On increasing the Constituency Development Fund from current Rs 1.5 crore per year to Rs five crore, Mehbooba said the MLAs should not seek everything in one go.
The Chief Minister commended the Police, paramilitary forces and the Army for having done a commendable job in bringing peace to the State. Stressing the need for making the Police force professional, She said she will equip the police force with the state-of-the art technologies to ensure speedier crime detection, traffic management, investigations and busting of drug trafficking rackets.
Describing journalism as an inseparable pillar of accountable governance, the Chief Minister said the State will promote free and fair journalism. She said she will revive the proposal of developing Press Club at Srinagar. “I will also go over the State Advertisement and Empanelment policies to promote institution of journalism,” she stated.
Responding to the demand of legislators, the Chief Minister said directions have been given to the General Administration Department of expedite appointments under all pending cases of SRO-43. She announced shifting of Central Jail out of the Srinagar and Jammu cities and said the premises would be developed to create recreational facilities for the locals.
Urging the Government officials to be more considerate in their approach, Mehooba said the officials should know that even a casual noting on a file by them can make or break a common man’s life. “They should take great care while handling files.  They should know that one day they will also have to visit Government offices for such matters that touch their everyday life,” she said and added the State Government would take due care of the career aspirations of the meritorious and hard-working officers.
The Chief Minister said the institution of District Administration and Block Administration will be strengthened and made effectual to ensure that the fruits of development and welfare schemes reach the beneficiaries at the grassroot level. She also called for establishing an effective grievance redress mechanism at the district level. “We will also ensure that the Public Services Guarantee Act is further strengthened to address the concerns of people,” she said and added the Government will institute awards to be given to the districts for the best practices adopted by them on public services.
Stressing the need for infusing new life in the institutions at the cutting edge level, Mehbooba said while at the district level DDC would be empowered in effect, the institutions of Block Development Officers, Station House Officers, Tehsildars, doctors and teachers who are in direct contact with the people on daily basis at the grassroot level will be reoriented to make them more people-friendly and accessible. “The face of the Government at the grassroot level are not Administrative Secretaries, but these five people who are in constant touch with the masses,” she said.
The Chief Minister said J&K has to build capacity in various sectors like education, tourism and local arts and crafts to educate and employ the State’s brilliant young boys and girls. “We are working through appropriate blending of welfare and growth measures to ensure people-friendly and purposeful governance,” she said and added that the initiatives for enhancing growth and socio-economic development will soon bear the fruit, and pave the way for our youth to lead peaceful and productive lives. “Our Government is deeply committed to realizing the full potential of our talented youth and this objective is at the top of the priority list and a multi-pronged strategy is envisaged to create employment and other avenues for the youth,” she said and added that skill development is a thrust area for the Government and significant initiatives have already been taken in this regard.
Mehbooba said the State of Jammu and Kashmir has got a huge tourism potential which is being explored by the Coalition Government, “From pilgrim tourism to adventure tourism, the rich landscape of Jammu and Kashmir is an ideal place for people who want to spend quality life away from their tiring schedules. My Government is committed to raise infrastructure to make J&K an ideal and an attractive place for them,” she said.
Chief Minister urged all the political parties, cutting across the divide, to move with her hand in hand, in this enterprise of hope and work towards building a peaceful and prosperous Jammu and Kashmir for every section of the society. “We are hopeful that with various ongoing initiatives falling in place we shall soon enter an era of normalcy, peace and prosperity, which the people of the State have been yearning for,” she said.
After Mehbooba’s speech, the House passed with voice vote the grants amounting to Rs 9520.38 crores pertaining to General Administration Department, Science & Technology Department, Information Technology Department, Home Department, Planning and Development Department, Information Department, Ladakh Affairs Department, Tourism Department, Libraries, Archives, Cultural Academy and Hospitality and Protocol Departments, for the year 2016-17. The members, who had moved the Cut Motions on the Grants, withdrew them after satisfactory reply and assurances from the Chief Minister.