LA witnesses ruckus over imposition of PSA on mentally-challenged man in Jammu

SRINAGAR:  The Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly today witnessed noisy scenes as members of ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) from Jammu region and MLAs from Kashmir entered into a heated argument over imposition of Public Safety Act on  a ‘mentally-challenged’ man in a temple desecration case in the winter capital recently.

As soon as the Lower House started functioning, Peoples Democratic Party Member said that the PSA imposed on a mentally-challenged man in temple desecration case in Jammu region should be immediately revoked.       Minister for Revenue, Relief & Rehabilitation Syed Basharat Ahmed Bukhari was quick to respond, saying that the government will look into this matter and revoke the PSA imposed on the man.

However, BJP member Ranbir Singh Pathania said that PSA can’t be revoked against a man because he is mentally-challenged. “That person was responsible for disturbing peace of the state. Just because government thinks that he is mentally-challenged, it can’t revoke PSA,” he said.

Mr Pathania’s comments were endorsed by other BJP Members, who were on their feet and demanded that the government take back the statement.

Though this demand was vigorously resisted by Opposition including, National Conference (NC), Congress, CPI(M) and some members  from the ruling PDP.

There was a heated argument between BJP and Opposition bench over this issue, but nothing was audible as everyone was shouting in the House.        Later, PDP Member Abdul Rahim Rather asked how can a mentally-challenged man be booked under PSA and urged the government to revoke it immediately.

Mr Rather’s concern was shared by CPI (M) Member Mohammad Yousuf Tarigami, who asked the government to revoke PSA and urged the members not to politicise the issue.

The issue was again raised in the Zero Hour, which also witnessed heated arguments between BJP and Opposition members.

Mr Pathania again asked the government to withdraw its statement, citing that anyone responsible for disturbing peace can be booked under PSA. “The government can’t decide if a person is mentally-challenged, it is a doctor who has to ascertain that,” he said.

To this, People Conference(PC) Member Bashir Ahmad Dar said that under the law a mentally-challenged person is exempted from criminal charges. PC is also partner in the coalition government. (AGENCIES)