ISRO’s another achievement

Indian Space Research Organization is making country proud by achieving one after another success in space research technology. Incepted in 1988, the ISRO has made spectacular achievements in comparatively shorter period of time and also with lesser expenditures than expected. India has declared a number of times that her space research and technology is for peaceful purposes. India means what she says. Sriharikota has now become a world recognized advanced centre of space research.
This time, the ISRO successfully launched 20 satellites including 17 foreign and its earth observation satellite in a single mission in 26 minutes from the Space Centre, in a crucial step to become a key player in the multi-billion dollar space launch market. The total weight of all the 20 satellites carried onboard PSLV-C34 was about 1288 kg. The scientists at Sriharikota said that initially they had some reservations whether so much of payload would be lifted by the PSLV-C34 and they were relieved to find that it had not disappointed them. With this PSLV-C34 has become the power horse for satellites to be placed in the space and in their specific orbits. More heartening news about ISRO is that it has attained international recognition and about eleven foreign countries have approached it for launching their satellites. We have launched 20 satellites which is behind Russia with 37 launches and the US with 29 launches. But, of course, we are confident that our scientists are capable of reaching the heights of success. Prime Minister has felicitated the scientists of ISRO for their singular success. ISRO, in fact, is the best proof of creativity and ingenuity of our scientists. They are among the best in the world and we are confident that many great achievements are awaiting them in times to come.
One among the 20 satellites launched by PSLV is the current generation of earth observation satellite of Cartosat 2 series. ISRO Cartosat also has strategic applications. The 727.5 kg Cartosat-2 series satellite will provide regular remote sensing services with its panchromatic and multispectral cameras and its imagery will be of multiple uses. Use of Cartosat 2 includes cartographic, urban and rural applications, coastal land use and regulation, utility management like road network monitoring and water distribution. Also, creation of land use maps, precision study, change detection to bring out geographical and man-made features and various other Land Information System and Geographical Information System applications can be done. It is similar to the earlier Cartosat-2, 2A and 2B.
Cartosat 2 is highly useful in collecting geographical information of the country with urban and rural application. Through this device we can take decisions in a number of crucial projects related to coastal land use like the ones in developing new sea ports and townships. It will provide valuable data about our rural assets. It will enhance lot of areas of applications in the cartographic realm in terms of rural and urban development communication networking and new area precision farming in the coming days.
It has to be said that India is steadily making her presence felt among leading members of the world which are in the process of development.  One very laudable objective of the present government is to make India self-reliant in scientific and technological area. India also intends to become self sufficient in defence production. We cannot afford to remain the buying country for all times to come. Make in India is perhaps the best expression of India’s will to become a manufacturing and exporting country. With very capable and efficient scientific and technical segment and with enormous manpower and resources at our disposal, it is no wonder that India is on the path of becoming a cognizable industrial and manufacturing power in the Asian Continent. Fortunately under the guidance of Prime Minister Modi, India is gradually emerging from long isolation and deprivation and is moving towards the centre of international strategy and trade. Space research is not an idle and wasteful exercise. There is big competition among the developed countries for supremacy in space research because huge potential remains hidden in it.  Beginning in 1988, ISRO had launched many remote sensing satellites (for earth observation) and the data are for varied use including agriculture, water and ocean resources besides disaster management. PM Modi rightly said that our space programme has time and again shown the transformative potential of science and technology in people’s lives. “Over the years, we developed expertise & capability to help other nations in their space initiatives. This is the skill of our scientists”, he said in a tweet.