Out of 2,532 encroachments, 940 removed from Dal Lake

SRINAGAR: Out of 2,532 encroachments in the world famous Dal Lake, the authorities have so far removed 940 such structures.

Minister of State for Housing & Urban Development Asiea Naqash was today apprised about it at a meeting to review the Dal-Nageen Lake Conservation and Management Programme.

She stressed upon officers and work executing agencies to ensure timely completion of all ongoing developmental projects, so that the benefit of developmental activities percolate to the ground level.   Officers of Lakes and Waterway Development Authority (LAWDA) informed the meeting that out of 2,532 structures illegally raised by the locals 940 structures were removed, recently where as encroachment removal drive is implemented vigorously.

Giving details about the families rehabilitated and resettled in the area, the Vice Chairman of LAWDA said 298 families of Dal dwellers have already been shifted to Rakh-e-Arth Housing colony. He said out of 2,140 plots developed, 1,727 plots have already been allotted  to deserving families, while 400 more plots are being developed for the  purpose. VC further informed the minister that out of 26268 households, 19265 households have been connected with STPs. (AGENCIES)