Mehbooba Wins-Challenges before her

B L Saraf
Mehbooba  Mufti has won  Anantnag Assembly by -election  to retain the  C M chair.  That an incumbent political functionary, who combines in himself / herself supreme  executive authority,  comes  out a  winner  in an interim poll  is,  generally, a foregone conclusion.So,there is nothing special about  C M Mehbooba’s  present win.  That, however, does not detract from her proven credentials to  be  a winner at the hustings . Except noticing that she has won in alliance with BJP, this election doesn’t  call for a hair splitting analysis.  But then a comment on the governance  challenges,  she may have  to contend with, is, eminently, desirable.
Miss Mufti entered  the state Assembly  on   Congress ticket  in 1996, via Bijebehara –  an  honour Kashmiris  denied to her father, late Mufti Mohammad  Saeed,  while  he was  in  Congress. That gave Mehbooba  a  head  start in the  Valley’s  political arena :  which stood  in  good  stead  for  her  when the  political scene  turned  topsy – turvy  in  the Valley.
Ms  Mehbooba  is, undoubtedly, blessed with political  acumen and  a sensitive antenna  which helps her to smell the  developing trend, well in time. Her  sense to relate it to the situations, with a telling effect,  is borne out by her political  life  that blossomed at the turn of the century, when she bode farewell to the Congress and became  instrumental in creating  PD P.  Her trade mark photograph, covered  in greens,   wiping  out  tears of a wailing relative of a slain militant still loams  in front of a common Kashmiri. The scene, indeed, heralded her  arrival to the political  field  in a completely new Avatar.  Ms Muti had  shed  her  Congress baggage.  And, as an astute politician,  she kept on repeating the exercise  so that  people in the Valley  didn’t  miss  it.  Reading the pulse of people and displaying  a deft  political sense, she indulged the separatists to the extent  that she  earned for herself  a sobriquet  of  “soft separatist”.
Post 2014 elections, we have seen a different Mehbooba. That image got strengthened   when she occupied the CM seat. Undoubtedly, she made certain moves which gladdened the heart of a nationalist. After the Bijbehara attack on security forces, she  was quick to acknowledge the martyrdom of  BSF  personnel who lost lives  in  the  terrorist  act.  Mehbooba, as a politician has evolved from a position wherefrom she would miss no opportunity to romanticize the criminal act of a local youth, to the one which makes her deprecate such tendencies.
Mufti Saeed  as the CM in 2002  and Mehbooba as the Party president,  did initiate  measures  which  created an  impression  on the displaced community. Construction of dwelling places  for the displaced persons in  the Valley  and  PDP’s  support to the  Temple and Shrine  Protection Bill  in the  last Assembly, were  such  measures. CM Mehbooba’s stand taken against the unreasonable stance of the separatists that the displaced Pandits should revert back to their old places, on return to the Valley, has been duly appreciated.  Her snub to the separatists by bringing in Pigeon – Cat analogy is well taken.  Apart from rebutting the argument, this statement rubbishes those who shout that Pandits were  made  to ” migrate on the machinations  of someone high  in the State Government.”
Ms Mufti mingling, unhesitatingly, with the devotees in  Tulla Mulla, a week back,  and offering  customary  milk and flowers to the Deity    may  endear her to the Pandits.
Mehbooba at the helm, people look forward to her all out push for the good governance. She should ensure political and economical empowerment of the neglected sections of the society  and  address the  inter- regional issues which bedevil  mutual relations.  Local self Government and Panchayat  Raj  Institutions must be statutorily  strengthened and made functionally  autonomous.  Now that Ms Mufti has, by this win,  got an approval  of sorts from the Valley people, she should  display a political  skill  to manage the  ” North Pole – South Pole alliance.”  BJP must play its part .
The displaced Pandits, POK  and West Pakistani  Refugees   face existential issues.It is time to address them in right earnestness. There is a  talk about  the return of Pandits to the Valley. Various plans  are afloat. Being a sensitive issue,it  must  be dealt with  utmost care and caution. Cooperation of all stake holders is desirable for a durable and fairly acceptable resolution of the issue.  Government’s decision to have transitional accommodation, in the Valley, for the returning Pandits, till they find suitable place to live  safe and secure,  is a  well come development.  Pandits confidence in the Government must be restored, which, presently, is at the lowest ebb. Enactment of law for the protection of Hindu Temples and Shrines in Kashmir could be a big  CBM.
A disturbing trend is visible in the Valley where educated young boys, from well to do families,  get lured to the militancy. This adds to the JK’s existing complexities. Our   political landscape is woven around many conflicting narratives. Ms Mufti will have to address the issue in its entirety.  She can certainly de-romanticize part of the narrative by addressing bread and butter issues of a common man.  Regard for human rights and democratic values may prove helpful.
(The author is former Principal District  & Sessions Judge)