Good Synergy between security forces: Army

Excelsior Correspondent
UDHAMPUR, June 29: Defence spokesman (MOD) Col S D Goswami today said certain sections of the media have reported about friction between the Army and CRPF on handling of the terrorist initiated incident at Pampore, Kashmir.
“It is a well known fact that all security agencies operating in Jammu and Kashmir have established outstanding synergy in their focused efforts to thwart nefarious designs of anti-national forces.  It is a testimony to this synergy and jointness that the overall security situation has shown a remarkable improvement from its peak militancy levels,” he said.
Col Goswami added that eight brave soldiers have made the supreme sacrifice for the larger cause of peace. “It is time to look at greater integration and synergy to minimise losses to our forces, which is exactly what is being done. There is no question of any agency squabbling for credit under such circumstances.  Reports on differences between Army and CRPF is unhelpful and does no credit to the excellent manner in which all security forces and intelligence agencies are working in the most challenging conditions,” he added.