Rs 400 lakhs released for clearance of dues of workers in Kishtwar: Drabu

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, June 29: Minister for Finance, Culture and Labour & Employment, Dr. Haseeb. A .Drabu while replying to a Calling Attention Notice of Firdous Ahmad Tak regarding non-renewal of construction workers’ cards and huge pendency of various claims of construction workers of Kishtwar district, informed the House that an amount of Rs 400.70 lacs stands released on June 15, 2016 for the pending cases clearing by the end of June, 2016, adding that the cases for renewal will also be cleared within one month.
The Minister said that the guidelines and instructions issued by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India, envisages to renew the registration of workers for three years to reduce the burden of renewal. He said that the copy of the guidelines stands circulated to the office of Chief Executive Officer/Secretary J&K Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board (JKBOCWWB).
Dr. Drabu said that till date 9559 cases under Lower Education Assistance Scheme, 21 cases under Higher Education Scheme, 194 cases under Marriage Assistance, 2 cases under Choronic Disease,11 cases under Death Assistance and 1 case under Disability Assistance have been cleared in Kishtwar district by the Board.
Minister further informed the House that there are 7300 cases of Lower Education Assistance Scheme, 3 cases under Choronic Disease, 7 cases under Death Assistance schemes pending in the Board.