KPS delegation calls on Azad, submits memorandum

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 22: A delegation of Kashmiri Pandit Sabha (KPS) led by its president, K K Khosa called on Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare Ghulam Nabi Azad here today and submitted a memorandum to him highlighting the problems of displaced Pandits.
The delegation sought the personnel intervention of Mr Azad in settling the demands. The memorandum while alleging that present NC Government has taken no cogent step for the displaced nor formulated and discussed any such plan, said there seems to be no hurry even after 22 years of life in exile of the displaced Pandits for the same so for as the policies of the NC Government are concerned.
The memorandum further said that over two decades displacement has alienated the community from its roots and any delay will be deleterious for the nation as well as the displaced.
The delegation informed Mr Azad that he as Chief Minister had introduced the Shrines and Temples Bill in State Assembly in 2007 and even after five years of its introduction the Bill is yet to see light of the day. The NC blames Congress for the delay while over 1200 shrines and temples have been encroached by land mafia in Valley as they get a free hand in absence of any authority to look after these shrines.
The delegation urged the Union Minister to use his good offices in getting hurdles removed in the way of the Bill.
The delegation further stressed on enhancement of relief. It expressed concern over delay in implementation of PM’s employment package announced in 2006 and out of 6000 jobs only 1438 displaced youth have been appointed till date. It alleged that the Medical Fund earmarked by him as Chief Minister for displaced people was never implemented and appealed Mr Azad to provide medical relief to displaced people from Union Health Ministry.
The other members of the delegation included A K Braroo, Ashwani Koul, S L Bagati, G J Kampasi, R L Kaul, Ashok Khar and Subash Dhar.