Large scale attempts of infiltration, Army alert along LoC

Fayaz Bukhari
Srinagar, July 3: Army is on high alert along the Line of Control (LoC) after intelligence inputs that large numbers of highly trained militants with sizable number of fidayeen are ready for infiltration on the launch pads along the LoC in Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK).
They are making desperate attempts to sneak in before the end of the summer and some of them have already managed to infiltrate. According to Multi Agency Centre (MAC), 36 militants have already sneaked in this year till ending May while last year 35 had infiltrated throughout the year.
The recent upsurge in militancy in Kashmir and large scale infiltration attempt inputs were already shared by the army with a security agency at Centre early this summer.
A report submitted by the Army says that  more than 40 training camps are operating in Pakistan, mostly in Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK), with 19 of them most active and are imparting map reading, GPS use, weight, weapon and tactical training to the militants who are concentrating along the LoC for launching.
The report says that these camps are at Skardu opposite Gurez, Kel opposite Macchil, Karko opposite Keran, Dullu Muzaffarbad opposite Kupw-ara, Titwal opposite Tanghdar, Chakoti opposite Uri, Kotli opposite Poonch, Dehri opposite Mendhar, Barhal Mirpur opposite Naushera and Chaprai Sialkote opposite R S Pura.
The report further says that in these locations 10-12 militants are prepared to infiltrate and 3-5 militants in each group are in active team (fidayeen) who have project to infiltrate through these areas and target military or armed forces installations.
The report further says that these militants are highly trained, high tech, trained to cross electrified border fence and are equipped with GPS and Maps.”They are taking new routes for infiltration and are also reactivating many old routes”, the report reveals.
The report says that over 200 militants, heavily armed and in Army combat, are ready to infiltrate into Kashmir.  It says that the groups of trained LeT and JeM informers keep watch on Army deployment and convoys and their operations, locations and logistics.
It says that many ex-militants and locals are hired for providing information about Army and other security forces movements. “They are chosen by head hunters of these groups and are asked not to use cell phones and email for communication but thrust is on human couriers”, the report adds.
The report says that these infiltrators are using different modes of communication like internet and Satellite phones. They also use android cell phones without SIM and then they connect it to radio set for messaging, which is difficult to intercept.
The Army, after the inputs, is on high alert along the LoC and they are keeping surveillance of nallahas, under roads, ridge and have put all Over Ground Workers of militants under surveillance so as to put pressure on these newly infiltrated militants and their supporters.