Violence revisits Kashmir

In a spree of violence, reminiscent of the days of militancy at its peak in mid-1990s, with epicenter in four districts of Southern Kashmir, 21 deaths have been reported so far by official sources, besides more than 150 persons wounded which include 93 policemen. In series of attacks on police posts, the mob looted the arms and  4 policemen are still missing. In yet another incident, the infuriated mob overturned a police vehicle and hurled it down into the nullah. Apprehensions are that the driver has drowned or is crushed under the rolling vehicle.
Furious mobs attacked not only some posts of security forces but also some Government offices, public properties and even set ablaze some houses belonging to the members of minority community in South Kashmir.
Violence erupted after the police confronted and shot dead in action a group of three armed militants led by Burhan Wani, a top commander of Hizbul Mujahideen who had shot into prominence after ambushing and killing several members of the State Police force in various incidents in the valley after he joined the terrorist group of HUM in 2010.
Tral in South Kashmir is the epicenter of violent reaction and massive protests over the killing of the young terrorist Burhan. Separatists have endorsed the call for total shut down in the valley till Monday by way of mass protest against elimination of the young HuM commander.
Ironically, when the slain commander had ambushed policemen and killed them during his acts of terrorism, no separatist leader condemned the killing of innocent policemen nor did any party or group bring out a protest rally. How unfortunate that instead of condemning militancy and violence with roots across the border, the separatists leaders are lionizing terror and its sponsors. Why do not these separatist leaders give a call for strike when Pakistani army kills TTP commanders or when they killed Mansur? Why do they adopt double standards for terrorism?
All sane and sensible human beings will definitely condemn violence and terror which have become the most hated act in present day life. We highly appreciate the statement of the leader of opposition in the Rajya Sabha, Ghulam Nabi Azad who minced no words and said that the terrorists do not deserve to be lionized.
In recent months, and particularly after Pathankot air base attack, there has been sudden spurt in militancy related activities in the valley, particularly in a couple of districts in South Kashmir and Kupwara district in North Kashmir. The militants coming as infiltrators from the other side of the cease fire line or indigenous activists have established communication network and are also enjoying logistic support from some sections of local population. The slain HuM activist called poster boy of the organization as he often posted his pictures in the Face Book, is reported to have been instrumental in persuading Kashmiri youth to join militant groups that were fast getting depleted of manpower.
It is sad that violence and unrest has re-visited the valley, particularly when the tourist season is at its peak and a large number of tourists had already been in the valley. Eruption of violence has paralyzed life and activity to the great loss and disadvantage of the working class, shopkeepers, hoteliers, house boat owners and hundreds of thousands of people connected with various profitable industries and handicrafts of Kashmir. It is sad that following killing of the HuM commander, the separatist leaders lost no time in provoking the masses of people into protest rallies that have turned violent and forced the security forces to do whatever is possible to restore law and order for millions of people in the State. These rallies and protests mean only to create anarchy and lawlessness, which the might of the State will resist at any cost.
The violence has erupted precisely at a time when thousands of pilgrims bound to scale the Himalayan heights to have the darshan of the holy cave of Amarnath Swami are in the process of pilgrimage. Thousands of them have been stranded in Jammu, Srinagar and on mountain heights at various stations where life is in the throes of danger owing to the vagaries of weather. The separatist leadership should have realized that their unilateral and recalcitrant decision of whipping up protest sentiments would be hurtful to the pilgrims.
Kashmir has been going through a nightmare for last twenty seven years. An external agency is handing over the gun, money and rabid ideology to the Kashmiri youth and thus stonewalling their vision of a future. The separatist leadership is adding fuel to fire. What do they want to do with Kashmir? Paralyze life, stonewall tourism, reduce economy to nadir, disrupt developmental work, polarize society, create wedge between various sections of society and thus work towards undermining the glorious traditions of Kashmirian society.
The Home Minister and the Chief Minister of the State have appealed to the people to maintain restraint and not indulge in activities that lead to escalation of violence. It will mean big economic loss to the vast business and handicrafts class as well as the horticulturists in the valley. We do not want that 2008 or 2010 should be repeated.
We would like that political leadership of all hues comes out and musters courage to appeal to the people to maintain peace. Security forces have already said that they are using the minimum of force to meet the challenge and they have been advised by the Chief Minister. It has to be remembered that resorting to violence is not going to solve any issue much less the Kashmir issue.
We deeply regret the loss of life that has happened in the course of this violence in the valley. We express condolence to the bereaved families. We appeal to the Government to deal these unpleasant incidents with utmost care and caution and not to do anything that would accelerate unrest. Let us behave with deep sense of responsibility towards the people and towards our conscience.