Bleeding Hearts At it again–weeping for the terrorist

B L Saraf
The Delhi police and those  entrusted with the job to protect  the helpless citizen  from  murderous onslaught  of the terrorists  may   have  forgotten    martyrdom of the daring police officer   who took on the terrorists in the Batla House encounter , four years back. But not by  our professional   “bleeding hearts “. Their love for the  ‘freedom fighters ‘ and   the ‘defenders of faith’ have not diminished a bit. Who can forget the   boast of the then head of the Jamia Millia  that he would defend   his students, at the university expenses ,  who were alleged to have taken part in the  episode , forgetting that  the UGC does not provide funds   to defend  the  criminal elements among the students.   Taking    cue from their boss      the teachers of the Jamia Milia   came  under the banner  Jamia  Teachers Solidarity Association  (JTSA) to take up the cause of those  who  were caught    in the war lodged against the Indian state. Post    Batla episode the association took upon itself   to protest  ” against  illegal detention , encounter killings and communal witch hunts by the anti- terror agencies .”  One shudders to think   what a storm would  have been raised by the  so called secularists  if  the teachers   in   B H U had embarked up on  like exercise,  to save   nation from the saboteurs .
On 4th anniversary of the Batala  house episode,  JTSA  released its report  titled  ‘Framed , Damned , Acquitted  ; Dossiers of a very Special Cell ‘,  which examined 15 cases of  men charged with  terrorist activities and  then acquitted by the courts. The occasion was marked by the presence of  perpetual contrarian, with a bleeding heart for a rebel against the state – Ms  Arundati Roy . She addressed the gathering and , reportedly, said”  …….the debate was beyond religious lines  as the Indian state had been trying to ‘militarize’  ever since it aligned with pro- market  countries like U.S and Israel .” Mark the countries named . On occasions, for  no worthwhile reason, they evoke strong reactions among a significant section of the country’s populace. Classic example of pandering to the minority sentiment.
The cases of the  alleged militants, mentioned in the report, have been dismissed , mainly, on account of faulty investigation ,  non-production of actionable evidence and other technicalities. It has been the bane of our investigating agencies  that even in a  normal crime the investigation is  so botched up  that  the law  fails to catch up with the accused .  So,  often  the   guilty escape   dragnet more due to the failure of  investigation  to bring proper evidence against   them  than by the fact of their    innocence . The courts in India  seldom  follow principle of inquisition.  Moreover,  India does not have a state structure  capable of meeting the challenge posed by the highly trained and motivated  terrorists. Apart from that, the terrorism related cases  in India  are political  mine fields. For the practitioners of vote bank politics,  the hasty  and   indecent burial of  these  cases is a  most desired thing . That  fully explains   why men like Digvijay Singh, Mulayam Singh and Azam Khan etc  are frantically let loose when some among a particular community are caught on the   wrong   feet . The will to fight the menace of terrorism dissipates. And  then  the investigating  men  do the cover   up  job . No wonder ,  the terrorist   comes   out   laughing .
The position at the global level is no better.  In 1999,      after  terrorist attacks on US diplomatic Missions  in East Africa ,  the UN  asked  all  its  member states  to freeze  the assets  of     Al Qaeda and   prevent  supply, sale and   transfer of arms  to anyone connected with the organisation . Since then dozens    other   terrorist outfits have been added to the list.  13 years down the line, however, UN’s internal monitors   have concluded that sanctions have achieved nothing . Observers tell us,  very apt in    our context,  that  counter -terrorism regimes  will  yield results only when there is a  strong  will to enforce  the  law and the norms .
Rest assured, nothing will please our libertarians when it concerns the terrorists. Come  acquittals- damned be the police and the intelligence agencies . Get convicted – courts become the objects of attack. Recall Afzal Guru’s  case –  same group of  persons who graced  the JTSA  show went hammer and tong  against   the trial court ;  even the Apex Court  was not spared  when it confirmed   orders of  the trial court .
Hold on  a while ; the paratroopers with   ‘ bleeding hearts ‘  are in wait to jump on  Ajmal Kassab’s case  and go to the town chest beating that  he has been framed  by the  wooden hearted right wingers    and  his confession is extorted. Conveniently,  taking out Pakistan from the sordid drama .  The ‘ human rights  champions  ‘  must know that by raking up unnecessary controversies they are causing   harm to those whom they claim to serve .
(The author is former  Pr, District & Sessions   Judge)