Reservation in promotion

This has reference to  the letter “Reservation in promotions” DE Sept 17 by P C Sharma.
For bringing equality and brotherhood of the sense as the writer wants then there has to be the “Rewriting  of the Religious Books” with no individual having the top place or the lower place as the birth of individuals take place in a similar manner.
Before independence only one section of the society used to defend the country  from its enemies and the result was the division of the country into a numberless states. From this we conclude that guarding the country is  not the job of a section of the society only. Education was the right of another section of the country and the rest of the country men were kept illiterate. Business was given to another section of the society, the others generally remained starved. These sections still do not count more than 10% to 15% of the country’s population with 100% reservation since the dawn of this world and still in a free country like India criticise  reservation/promotions in reservation. We again come to conclusion that in order to increase their reservation, they criticise the reservation of those who are covered under the cover of Hinduism but are deprived of all living rights, and are called Shudras (SCs, STs, OBCs).
We must believe in the Indian Constitution in free India much rather than the Chatur Verna System.
Yours etc…
Prof. Kali Dass
Gen. Secretary